“The use of bicycles as a type of public transport should be encouraged by the Hong Kong government “. To what magnitude do you agree with this perspective? In the past decades, fuel-consuming transports such as exclusive vehicles, chartering and minibuses have been difficulties mode of transport in Hong Kong. However , due to the the latest rise in environmental-friendly awareness, some citizens happen to be suggesting the government to promote applying bicycle as one of the means of transfer. They pointed out that such kind of sustainable transportation could profit the world by increasing air quality and public health.

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Even so, the feasibility of the suggestion was wondered due to the street planning as well as the insufficient supporting facilities in Hong Kong. Following examining quarrels which support cycling and which do not, My spouse and i express as to the extent Certainly the government should encourage applying bicycles as being a form of public transport. Belonging to the pollution-free vacationing method, biking could increase the air quality simply by reducing motor vehicle exhaust.

Relating to Hk Environmental Protection Department (2014), road transportation was the major emitter of RSP and CO, which could cause breathing diseases and dizziness if perhaps were over-inhaled by people. By using bicycle as an alternative method of travel, the use of exclusive vehicles and therefore the related emission of pollutant could possibly be reduced. Subsequently, the residents could have a cleaner surroundings when walking on the road in busy districts such as Mong Kok and Central. Besides benefiting mid-air quality, venturing by mountain bikes also enhances the health and fitness of the citizens. In accordance to Center for Well being Protection (2012), over a third of the Hong Kong population old 18 – 64 were classified as overweight or obese (BMI?

23. 0). By using lively transport like cycling to work or school, the us government can help visitors to lose bodyweight (Xu, Wen & Rissel, 2013). Consequently improving the overall health of citizens.

Assessing with other kinds of physical activities just like gymnasium or swimming that requires extra time, it would appear that cycling intended for transportation might be an attractive way to exercise for those who lack sufficient moment for exercising. Hence promoting active transport may well also benefit the health of those with sedentary lifestyle by encouraging these folks to do physical exercises. Although with the aforementioned benefits, one should also consider the safety issue and the performance of employing bicycle pertaining to public transport.

Due to the limited land available, the size of the bicycling tracks and motorway in Hong Kong will be small compared to most foreign countries which will successfully make use of bicycles because means for vehicles such as Netherland and Netherlands. Also the space between almost all of the cycling pathways and the motorway are brief in Hk. As a result, it is just a common phenomenon that the cyclists need to drive with the cars on the road from time to time in case the cycling way is too narrow, which is a risky behavior that could threaten the lives with the cyclists.

In fact, ‘bicycle related events made up 7. 4% of all targeted traffic incidents and 6. 3% of all targeted traffic related fatalities’ (Yeung ainsi que al., 08, p. 1), and nearly three-fourth of all cycling casualties occur on the highway presumably where cyclists change between the highway network and the cycle songs or in which the network will not extend for the final destination (Transport Department [TD], 2004). This shows that the motorcyclists were inadequately considered in the road preparing, which could put them into hazards if bi-cycle was used as a form of public transport. Furthermore to safety concern, the geometric characteristic of Hong Kong also slow down long range travelling of bicycle.

Like a mostly mountainous and landless area, little area in Hong Kong fits travelling simply by bicycles as it could involve mountains that most bicyclist could not tolerate. Actually, based on the cycling examine conducted by simply Transport Department (2004), just 30% with the land is suitable for cycling in Hong Kong. Because promoting biking transport just like education and building facilities may require numerous money, it brings out the question that whether the advice is budget-friendly in reaching the proposed rewards that could end result.

Discussed from this essay are definitely the main fights for and against using bicycle for community transport. Rewards include increasing the air top quality and overall health status of the public, as the drawbacks incorporate putting bike riders into risk and staying not budget-friendly. After considering the evidence, My spouse and i only accept a small magnitude that the govt should encourage using bi-cycle for public transportation. Although the environment and public health could be taken advantage of by the actions, I think about the safety trouble due to too little road area for riding a bike would require tremendous money to solve, if perhaps not unsolvable.

It is because broadening the biking paths and motorways might involve a significant number of land trading. Unless this problem is definitely solved, there is a long way to visit before the authorities can convince the public to work with bicycle being a form of open public transport. 5. http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/sites/default/files/epd/english/environmentinhk/air/data/files/2012HKEIReport_eng.pdf your five. http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201305/29/P201305290270.htm

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