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The African country that could form the foundation this daily news is Kenya. Kenya is known as a major local player in east The african continent commanding a significantly bigger gross home-based product than any other country in east Africa. Inspite of a steady development in the country’s economy, we have a high unemployment rate. In a recent report published by the United Nations demonstrated that the country’s rate of unemployment was at 39. 1%, which can be the highest in East The african continent, based on Human development index report(United Nations around the world, 2016). Financial growth features consistently underperformed despite having better evaluations to organization in the world chic. Kenya provides struggled to handle key problems, which have had a detrimental effect on the country’s economy through the years. These factors include drought, corruption and politicaluncertainty.

The Kenyan market have been characterized with low task opportunities against the large growing population of unemployed especially the youths. The Kenyan labor market is dual in characteristics with a few in formal sector using a significantly large informal sector, which makes it challenging to have an similarly balanced overall economy. After the hard period the county witnessed in 08, it has regained its financial focus attaining 5. 8% in 2016. However , several players have not created a better environment where it would be conceivable to have a better understanding in important developmental projects within the country. The simple fact that 40% of the country’s population implies that the developing agenda of the country is actually not effectively focused on key support beams of creation which are targeted at creating a better environment wherever it would be feasible to engage persons within the country through economic empowerment and ensure that the amounts of unemployment happen to be reduced. As a key regional player, Kenya is likely to put in place crucial strategies to make sure that the economy can be developed about string basis(The World Lender, 2016).


In February 2017, the Kenyan government declared drought a national tragedy with an incredible number of Kenyans affected by hunger and starvation. This kind of showed which the government cannot deal with increasing effects of drought and searched for help from your international community. Despite the fact that the region boasts accessibility to key drinking water bodies like the Indian marine, little has become done to create a better environment where crucial policies could be developed to assist alleviate the consequence of drought particularly in the Northern place of the nation. The drought in Kenya has been bad for the development of our economy since the large number of being hungry stricken inhabitants, which stands at about 3 million, has insecure important elements such as health care and meals security. Only 20% from the country gets high and regular rain fall, which means that the remaining 80% is made of semi-arid and arid. The Kenyan economic climate is highly influenced by agricultural develop making up of at least 23% of the economy. Excessive levels of harvest failure and lack of meals security means that the country can be susceptible to monetary downfall. The nation has been over reliant about food imports, which drastically limit the economic regarding the country(Welch, 2013).


Kenya is one of the very corrupt countries in the world and therefore as a result, there are numerous who have bought wealth through fraudulent means. The inability of the government to implement rigid measures in working with high level of corruption made it easier for federal government officials to loot community coffers with no legal activities taken. There are major corruptions scandals including government ministries, which have tainted the government, resolve to deal with corruption. A notable fraud in recent years i visited the Countrywide Youth service where ghosting companies were awarded cash for orders not delivered. High level of corruption provides played an important role in limiting the country’s economical developing and increasing the degree of unemployment. Very few people dominate the majority(The World Bank, 2016).

Political uncertainty

The Kenyan political environment has been severe in recent past between the authorities and the resistance causing worries across the country. The political landscape in divided on cultural lines, that have threatened to torn the country apart. It is quite difficult to concentrate on nation building when the way to find high level of tension and poor political will, which are bad for the country’s economic system(United Nations syndication, 2017).


The region has been on slump above the recent years seeing that in 2005 the country set up a major domestic growth of 6. 1%, which is the greatest to have produced in the country. In 2005, the rise in gross domestic product reduced to five. 9% and 5. 1% in 2011. In 2016, the nation had an increase in gross household product of 5. 8% although the unfavorable political environment in 2017 has led to a slump of 5. 5%. The country’s gross home-based product is likely to recover in 2018 by 5. 8% and 6th. 1% in 2019. This kind of development in gross home product depends on how the nation will be able to cure its current political problems and build important tactics, which will ensure that there is a better environment, that will form the basis of economic development(The World Bank, 2017).

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Category: Food,

Topic: African continent, United Nations,

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