That being said, any kind of topic in the Ehrenberg and Smith book is suitable. There are many sidebar issues that are highlighted, and extremely complete sources and footnotes which would make an easy kick off point for a conventional paper.
Database of essay examples, templates and tips for writing For only $9.90/page
You could find a topic in current events. Start to see the list towards the end of this handout for examples. Submission Rules Your conventional paper should be twelve to 12 pages long, excluding demonstrates, although in the event you come up short by a webpage I would like you NOT try to stretch that, so I will not likely automatically take points if the paper is only 9 pages. Your conventional paper should include: 1 . An abstract: A one passage summary of the topic and conclusions or key findings 2 . Intro and concise explanation in the topic. This kind of must include some perception on how come this matter is important, or perhaps who it is important to. several.
Main human body of the paper: depending on the kind of topic you have chosen, this would incorporate different things for example a. An explanation with the different constituencies affected by a plan or labor economics concern b. Discussion of the labor theory that applies to this kind of topic (i. e. discrimination models, effectiveness wage unit, labor/leisure model, etc . ) c. Exploration of published documents in economics that have analyzed this subject d. Discourse on specific data used to reach conclusions during these published documents, and how this kind of data might compare to the people you are interested in. elizabeth. Use of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Census Bureau, or any different original databases f. A historical examination of similar issues in the present or past (for example, should your topic is a Post-Katrina labor market in New Orleans, look at various other cities or perhaps regions strike by extreme natural disasters) g. Your conclusions based on your research 5. The Conclusion or perhaps Summary five.
Reference List (You must make use of a minimum of half a dozen different options for your newspaper, and three of these should be from academics journals. None of these could be web-only referrals. Use of first data counts as a source. ) 6th. Your work must be properly written about in the APA system of records. Guidelines in this documentation design can be found in Blanco Hacker’s A Writer’s Guide; online by ECN 3671 The Economics of Labor Marketplaces Spring 2012 http://libguides. babson. edu/citing, and at the Babson Producing Center (Babson Hall 205) and Conversation Resource Centre (Horn 209)..
Exhibits feel free to add the displays in the doc or put them after the references. 8. Reverance Code Declaration And please understand that as easy as the web makes it to plagiarize, playing also makes it very easy to get plagiarism. We have a link to the Babson Academics Integrity Insurance plan in the Term Paper File on Blackboard. Additional Guidance Use a 12-point font with a 1-inch perimeter all around.
Double space lines and quantity all internet pages. All exhibits should be obviously referenced in the text, correctly sequenced, and must support your research. Edit the document pertaining to grammar and readability.
Resources? Journal Content articles found through EbscoHost or JStor or any other service Horn Selection has access to. Examples of this sort of journals are: o Journal of Labor Economics um Journal of Political Economy o Quarterly Journal of Economics u Journal of Economic Books o Log of Economic Perspectives to American Financial Review u Journal of International Economics o Population analysis o Financial Journal u Review of Economics and Stats o Commercial and Labor Relations Assessment?
Books authored by economists, sociologists, industrial contact experts?
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