Research has found that the estimated fifty million minutes of foreign long range telephone calls result from Belize annually.

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The government has aimed to make sure that consumers have lower prices, high quality services, larger array of services choices, and state of the art technology. It also tries to improve the efficiency of several business ventures which in turn would assist in the economy in the country. A better telecommunications facilities will also improve the level of overseas investment. The telecommunications sector has been limited by limited financial capacity to invest in progress new facilities (Fox ciento tres, 2007). As a state run institution, BTL has found it difficult to maintain a situation of the art telecommunications network.

Satellite, cell phone, and information technologies happen to be changing for a rapid charge. Belize previously faces a number of disadvantages as compared with its friends and neighbors because it is losing competition regarding cellular teledensity. It also has the greatest unhappy demand for companies and the greatest average wait for installation of cell phone lines.

In addition, it suffers from a disadvantage in terms of the quantity of lines per employee and level of investment per worker. BTL offers invested twenty dollars in telecommunications for every inhabitant. Other countries with related economic levels have put in two to ten times higher.

The has each year invested less in telecommunication than the quantity needed to conserve the current standard of personal welfare enjoyed. The low investment rate has created many problems pertaining to BTL (Fox 103, 3 years ago. Research done for a number of Belizeans identified that fourty percent with the participants experienced no idea about the telecommunication reforms. Twenty percent claimed that government strategies to change the telecommunication sector might fail. The government aims to ensure that the demand intended for telecom companies will increase in the event the level of services is upgraded and refreshed.

The country aims to privatize and liberalize the sector which would give an incentive for personal organizations to supply services in remote aspects of the country. Numerous communities in Belize you don’t have access to adequate telecommunication services. Private companies have been picked to engage for customers who would provide a large numbers of citizens with the opportunity to attain telecommunications services.

The Public Resources Commission that has been formed back in the 1990s manages the telecoms industry in Belize. It includes worked with the federal government to develop an insurance policy framework for the telecoms sector. This kind of policy may be the future blueprint and development of the market (Cronin 23, 2007). The Belize Telecommunications Act was passed in 2002 which allowed all licenses, lets, and authorization for working until the expiry of earlier licenses. This kind of act permits the development of the telecommunications sector by the system of competition.

They have granted two licenses towards the Belize Telecommunications Limited and International Telecommunications Limited. An individual license was also presented to Speednet Communications Limited. The PUC has naturally an estimated twenty licenses pertaining to internet service suppliers, data networks, and private home networks (Cronin 32, 2007).

The PUC has also allowed the improvement in the set of rules and software applications to improve the standard of communications. Belize has not were able to open it is telecommunications market to competition and privatization. As a result it is experiencing reduced sector growth and bigger prices as compared with its neighbours. High prices and the very slow rate of advancement have been referred to as being accountable for the slow pace of development (Cronin 29, 2007). There are also limited opportunities for entrepreneurial initiatives.

The new authorities aims to correctly design and implement reconstructs in the telecommunications sector. It will require political can and capacity to reform which will would assist in the development of the telecommunications sector. It also requires the need for crystal clear policies and basic rules of the game. The coverage for guard licensing and training new companies should be clear since it would make certain that the sector structure is secure in the future.

The pricing guidelines must be very well defined which usually would allow organization numbers and formulas intended for automatic alterations to hold for several years. Another need is the power of the regulating authority as well as the decision making processes will be used in interactions with regulators. Reliable and secure sector procedures and rules are one other objective of the government. They aim to produce a broad general opinion on the reform package (Cronin 30, 2007).

Another important stage is the govt seeks to include credibility to the reform process by relating the process to its success. Great telecommunications laws and regulations also need to become implemented in line with the objectives of the new government. The current legal guidelines needs to be improved so that it will help in telecommunication reforms in Belize.

A serious task of the Belizean govt has been to create credibility for its telecommunications change policy. Non-public investors think that the absence of credibility might result in the risk of expropriation and having investors taken hostage in terms of the ability of the government to force utilities to charge unprofitable rates because of their services. As the government would like to encourage private investment, it should create a great institutional arrangement that limitations their own capability to behave opportunistically once exclusive telecom employees undertake their investments. The creation of regulatory body creates queries concerned with responsibility and autonomy.

Empirical research that have analyzed the Belizean telecommunication sector have tried to explain the partial telecoms reforms and also the effects of political and institutional variables in network deployment. Research has discovered how new political corporations measured by simply index of checks and balances impact the long run amount of penetration in Belize (Cronin 39, 2007). Political limitations have a strong and great relationship while using growth of primary lines.

It highlights the importance of policy for marketing steady and strong bonuses to exclusive investors within a sector in which opportunistic patterns might be expected. Other analysts studied the consequence of telecommunications legislation and politics variables through which they located that these factors help make clear the level of network expansion. An improved and certain regulatory environment leads to better investments in telecommunications. Ownership and competition by simply private buyers tend to make favorable environment for the expansion of telecommunications.

Legislation helps aid the exclusive firms that enter the telecoms sector of Belize. Study conducted to get the links among privatization and network expansion found that privatization is definitely strongly linked with the productivity and stability of the telecoms sector. Competition a major varying can have a positive effect on the telecommunication sector. Regulation is definitely however considered to negative with relation to network expansion.

Regulatory environment comprises an important factor pertaining to private organizations that strive to operate in Belize. Proper decisions made by companies could be linked with classic economic elements and regulating conditions. The performance from the telecom sector affects and it is affected by the political and regulatory decisions.

Privatization, liberalization and regulating enhancement are linked and influence each other in the success of the phone system industry (Cronin 69, 2007). Belizean telecoms market is an emerging marketplace which is regarded as risky simply by major telecom operators. It also suffers from volatility because of the weeknesses of the overall economy to market changes.

Consumers in Belize are also sensitive to prices actually during the times of economic increase. Low prices and regulations produce Belize an unattractive approach to Western telecommunications companies. Irrespective of major expenses and reforms, the sector continues to be focused by the BTL.

Belize Telemedia retains it is monopoly and hegemony over the telecommunication sector. It is also beneficially supported by the government which is constantly on the provide monetary assistance to the business. The sluggish capital marketplace and concern about upcoming economic creation in Belize means that providers will choose technology that produces the most of existing facilities.

This will increase the sales opportunities with products that provide reliable and efficient assistance.

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