It was a major accident, the whole thing was an accident. Last night we – I mean that they, all performed somethi’n bad.

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We was all consuming and it was thunderin and lightning, we was every scared, and Simon came out of the bushes. He had zero right comin out and scarin all of us like that so it weren’t our fault so that we’s would, well After all they did. We all just arrived at get some meats from Jack port and the sportsman cause we all was hungry. Then we all was fatigued so we all went to bed (me and Ralph), right to bed I had been real worn out.

Plus, the sky wasn’t looking too good, like the day we have here. We told Rob things weren’t gonna be very good and we have to leave and we did. That’s all that happened last night. That’s all that we all wanna imagine what happened yesterday. Everything has changed.

Bob is dead, murdered and gone permanently. We all slain him, the beast came raging in to all of us even as we savagedly bitten him. Ralph ain’t gebein a leader any longer, he’s afraid. I advised him we all wasn’t there and we attended bed.

We told him I couldn’t of done it anyway, I mean around the account of my assmar, I can’t jump up and down like that. And i also didn’t find all that very well, I only have one attention now. We all decided we would live on our now, the four us-me, Ralph, Samneric. None people were there yesterday, we all was tired and went to bed.

Its better if their just all of us by ourself because we’re different from them now. Its better this way, Ralph can still be innovator and we don’t have to live amongst all of them; the murderers. But not matter what I say to deter the fact of yesterday, I listen to us all chanting, “Kill the beast, lower his can range f, spill his blood, do him in. ” Claire was screaming and protecting his poor limp body from our knives stabbing him repeatedly as though he was the beast.

As I run my hand over the lower on my face, I say to myself, all of us was tired and went to bed early – prior to the dance.

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