12 Angry Men

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Twelve Angry Men is an meaningful play authored by Reginald Rose in 1955. It describes the way in which financial, social and cultural elements can have a significant impact on the process of justice. Went up encapsulates 1954s America through each of the 12 jurors, giving them back-stories associated with economic, cultural and cultural factors.

Post-war America flourished with wealth, development, and utilization of income and wealth on commodities. Although America was emerging like a superpower in the world, Europeans had been penny-pinching and living in a moment of austerity. Thus, with immigrants from Europe arrived a sense of xenophobia and racism within People in america. An example of the bigoted and racist persona is Juror 10, to which he identifies people in the ‘slums’ as ‘common unaware slob[s]’. Increased is criticizing the racist attitudes of society in 1950s America through the figure of Juror 10, when he is an elderly man with a merciless approach to new things. He does this through the contrast between Juror 9 and 10. Juror 9 is additionally elderly, with his opinion frequently being forgotten, however this individual understands, to some degree, the legal system, the role of a juror and the method at the rear of ‘reasonable doubt’. He has taken the time to try to modernize and connect with the younger generations, rather than becoming ignorant and uninformed just like Juror being unfaithful. Rose can be criticizing the older decades values and the oblivious attitudes employed by a lot of members from the elderly technology. Another case in point is Juror 11’s backdrop. Rose embraces those in society who speak out against others who happen to be narrow-minded and discriminatory to the people in a lower class, and Juror 11’s attention to depth and understanding of ‘responsibility’ activates into this kind of. Juror 14 understands that ‘facts may be female by the people who present them’, and this respect pertaining to the legal system as well as the law helps with the process of a progressive world. Hence, Rose’s appreciation in the legal program highlights his disdain of social course prejudice and racism through the factors of economic gain.

The function of a juror is to overlook any outside the house influences and solely focus on the job at hand, and though each of the jurors could have pre-disposed tips and thoughts, some displays them, and a few will not. Because of being in a society, every juror has some form of pre-conceived beliefs, and the job is usually to put all those aside and focus on the case, to decide perhaps the accused is usually guilty or not guilty. One of how outside stimuli have got influenced the decisions made in the jury room can be when Juror 3 declares that ‘we’re trying to set a guilt ridden man in the chair in which he belongs. ‘ Rose is usually criticizing the ill-informed characteristics of a lot of members of society through showing what Juror 3 thinks his job is usually. His established set of ideals shine through, and Flower is exposing the overlook and disrespect of rights. Another sort of how outdoors influences can impact the decisions within a jury area are the moment Juror some says ‘The slums really are a breeding floor for crooks. ” Rose is chastising the class space in world through this blatant display of social prejudice. Also, Juror 7 is more enthusiastic about going to the snowboarding game, and later changes his vote and so he can go back home. He is uninterested and uninterested in the case, and can’t be irritated to be engaged. Rose explores the blatant insult of justice that embodies many Americans, reprehending the ill-informed methods of living that some tend to live. As a result, social factors can largely impact the course of rights.

The cultural factors surrounding the availability of this enjoy can give great insight into Rose’s principles and what he values. When ever this play was crafted, Americans were convinced the Soviet Union was going to dominate the world, and anybody sympathetic to the notion of Communism was now deemed an adversary. People were submiting family, friends, and relatives in order to save themselves, and succeeded without any sound evidence. This defied the duty of evidence and the thought of reasonable uncertainty, and kept Americans anxious of revealing their sights in fear of being labeled a communism sympathizer. Rose wrote Twelve Angry Men in order to reflect America’s contemporary society at the time, using the play to show Americans that what they were doing was morally incorrect through ordering into the locura of the era. Rose desired to educate and motivate people to speak out, rather than only being a fans. An example of this is how the initially vote is usually taken, and a few hands ‘go up immediately’, whereas ‘several others rise more slowly’. This is a first-rate example of the repercussions of McCarthyism, of which Rose is criticising. People in 1950s America had been too concerned with expressing their particular views and saving themselves than guaranteeing the course of justice wasn’t obscured. Rose wished to focus on this in the play, and did so by instilling fear in day-to-day citizens. Thus, cultural factors are a big impact on the justice, for doing it defied the sole underlying function of the program.

Rose wrote this kind of allegorical enjoy to infuse fear in Americans, and to educate all of them on the significant impact all their attitudes and actions can have on the legal system, and how they might corrupt it. The law is done to control, not to undermine, and Flower used monetary, social and cultural factors to portray this to his viewers.

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Category: Entertainment,

Topic: Legal system,

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