Introduction: The Trial and Death of Socrates, Romeo and Juliet and Huckleberry Finn are all

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classic literary works that involve a theme that shows miscommunication. Identified

miscommunication may be the * failure to speak clearly. What may cause such some thing, and

Thesis statement: Miscommunication is usually the effect of a lack of trust and/or

open-mindedness, which can have unwanted side effects on persons such as, resting to each other

fighting with each other, and, more often than not, ending in busted relationships.

I. What is causing miscommunication is definitely not as easy to define because the word itself.

A. Several may declare it is brought on by the technology gap, others may claim it is triggered

by the male or female gap, and there are always those who will only stare blankly when

B. There is a large amount of scenarios that stir up the effects of misunderstanding

but they all could be narrowed down to just one basic theory of the cause.

C. This theory of cause could be worded as a basic anxiety about truthful and wide-open

II. Often times, folks are not comfortable with being open and genuine with every

A. They will dont wish to consider responsibility to get whatever the accident and will rest or

alter their testimonies if they think it will support their cause.

B. This in turn will begin a cycle, that if not really broken, can easily escalate right into a snow ball

C. No matter the situation, neither get together, truthful or perhaps not, desires to take the

blame. This kind of becomes an emotional logic where unfavorable times confident sums up

III. Not enough rational communication through laying and arguing builds up with time and

potential clients down to the next measure, fighting.

A. It can be opinionated that usually it’s the person who reaches fault that will initiate a

fight due to their own personal let-downs.

B. Preventing peaks because of anger and evolves in resentment.

C. These results, although nonetheless effects of misunderstanding, are what may cause the

4. The breakdown of interactions is the most significant and saddest effect

A. This end result usually leads to emotional serrations that for the majority of will last a lifetime

because of some thing as foolish as satisfaction.

B. These kinds of relationships are generally, such as in marriages, among parent and

child, littermates, friends, and co-workers.

C. All in all, ends that are far more valuable than their means

Conclusion: Miscommunication goes back, and in many cases farther back again than the time periods of

Bandeja, Shakespeare, as recent while Mark Twain. What can be done to solve this amazing

battle between man can be as simple since making the effort to communicate plainly with understanding.

However , stated, it is easy to see such a black and white resolution in black and white, because

actually, the lying, the preventing, and the cut relationships brings many shades of gray towards the


it absolutely was required to never have one

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Topic: Black white, Each other, Some thing,

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