My Philosophy

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? You can just appreciate items that are fun after you work hard to achieve all of them.?

Fortune Dessert, 2000

My personal philosophy of life is that if you work harder enough, you can expect to achieve the items you want. In other words,? Practice is beneficial.?

The feeling you will get from having a good time is great, but it is important to work hard to do this? fun? factor. The feeling of experiencing fun is usually irrelevant in the event hard work had not been involved in reaching it. An example to demonstrate this point can be when someone begins a fresh sport. At first, you will be negative at the sport and will have got a great deal of problems, but with work and quite a lot of practice, improvement will become possible. I can connect this to my personal experiences with glaciers hockey. I had not played ahead of this past August and had simply skated several times around me. From October until the time of year ended in Mar, I used every Monday and Wednesday. I experienced that I was working very difficult at recovering and by March, I could basically perform adequately and no longer embarrassed myself every time I actually go on ice. I sensed very very good about my achievement in this sport.

One more example of sense a sense of pleasure from effort happened by my last biology test. I analyzed more than I had developed ever researched for a biology test just before. Many hours of assessment were placed into this particular device of study. I researched both in the home and in support class. The final product of this work was a 99 percent in the test. Under no circumstances before performed I do this kind of well on any test out. The feeling I had fashioned when Mrs. Wysocki passed me back my test out was amazing. I sensed a true impression of achievement because of all the time and effort I put into studying.

My own third and final example of feeling a sense of satisfaction via hard work occurred last year in baseball. I wasnt the fastest youngster on the group, or the lengthiest hitter, and I didnt provide an exceptionally solid throwing provide, but I had a lot of heart and luck. I worked hard every practice (like in hockey), and I started to improve all my skills. By the end from the season I used to be a pretty well rounded ballplayer, and I started to be the best outfielder on my group (I got 5 slipping catches, and 4 diving catches). As my crew pulled jointly so well, we all made it for the playoffs. The first team that we played out was amazing, they were undefeated in the standard season. All of us played a lengthy hard fought against game, and we went into extra innings. The other team scored two runs, then since i was the home staff we got a chance to bat. I used to be the 6th batter up, a man on first and third, and with two outs and two strikes against me personally (imagine the pressure), the pitch was perfect and i also hammered this into deep center. I ran the fastest that I have at any time ran ahead of, men on first and third scored, so my own coach offered me the quit sign (like Id listen), but kept on running. The outfielder put it to the cut off gentleman, who then threw it home to the catcher. It absolutely was just me personally and the catcher now (just imagine what my trainer mustve been thinking during this). We ran total speed and delivered a massive body verify to the catcher, which triggered the ball to fly out of his mitt, and then the ump yelled? SAFE!!? My whole staff ran upon the field and selected me up at home dish, I was thus proud. I am not sure nevertheless until this time, I think that my dad was so proud that his eyes were filled with tears of joy.

In my mind, my philosophy couldnt be more authentic. If you work harder and practice a lot, youll get better at something, and then you could have a lot of fun doing it.

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Topic: Hard work, Work hard,

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