Risk Examination, Security, Biometric Technology, Big t Mobile

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This is a different problem from your system getting hacked. Managers may also be too unaware of the ease in which cellphone systems can be hacked (Hacker Fractures T-Mobile Network). Certainly being aware of the ways by which cellphone and also other electronic systems can be hacked or infiltrated in other methods. Such technological attacks may be relatively more easily addressed. Hacking is nearly while old because computer technology on its own – and so so are anti-hacking measures. Like the constant fight to evolve faster among antibiotics and bacteria, cyber-terrorist and protection specialists will be in a related battle to get ahead of each other. Nevertheless such measures will not addresses in any way the condition outlines above of how to know who is owning the mobile phones at any given time.

Solutions to Ajax’s organizational risks

The principal way in which to treat the potential organizational problems layed out above should be to consider many ways in which particular working circumstances have habitually created the prospect of workers to become disloyal for their employers along with the customers or clients with their employers. To put it briefly, the conditions which have been inclined to push employees in to acts of disloyalty range from the following:

1 . When employees are given to much job to accomplish inside their established work hours. There are two standard types of overload. Is when “they have the impression that they are working under pressure and also have too much operate to do in too short a period. This form of overload has become much more common for the last number of years as many organizations have cut jobs” (Organizational risk factors). This risk factor could well be present intended for the Ajax couriers.

The 2nd major type of overwork is “qualitative operate overload. ” This develops “when they feel that they are really unable to carry out their duties because that they lack the knowledge or skills needed. ” This form of overload appears less likely to occur in this case, but if it is present it can be cured if personnel “have a diploma of control over the demands manufactured on them” (Organizational risk factors).

2 . Too little operate. While this seems counterintuitive, workers can be as stressed simply by too little function (which is a sure way to describe boredom) as by simply too much.

Providing a work environment in which 1) Personnel are reasonably compensated; 2) they are certainly not stressed by simply over-work; 3) workers are certainly not bored because they are under-utilized; 4) workers are given an appropriate sum of liberty and specialist; 5) personnel are encouraged to feel that they have a actual stake inside the company through a profit-sharing or perhaps stock-option plan will be one out of which the organizational risks by employee activities will m e considerably minimized.

Lowering technical risk

The primary specialized risk identified above is that there is no security check nowadays in this system for who has the mobile devices. Nowadays in this system, the devices might have been in carefully of the worker’s roommate even though the worker slept off a hangover – or even inside the possession of a worker of a rival company. The best way to reduce this technical risk is to have got each mobile device add a biometric security device like a fingerprint recognition system or perhaps an eyes scanning device. In this way, if perhaps each worker were required to check in at regular intervals while using biometric unit, Ajax managers would be guaranteed that the device was in the possession of the right employee.

Naturally , such a biometric method is likely to help to make employees experience distrusted and so might quick them to make an effort to bypass the system. This is an indication of one of the very most important axioms of secureness risk management: Organizational risks are generally the most probably dangerous and must be dealt with first and most pervasively.


Hacker Fractures T-Mobile Network. (2005, January 13). The Boston Globe. Retrieved from Http: //www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2005/01/13/hacker_cracks_t_mobile_network.

Kahneman, M. Lovallo, G. Timid choices and daring forecasts: A cognitive perspective on risk taking. Management science 39(1): 17-31.

Organizational Risk Factors, retrieved 22 March 2010 from http://www.cgsst.com/eng/risk-factors/organizational-risk-factors.asp

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