Car Accident, Standardised Testing, The, Proposal

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In addition , it could possibly actually decrease insurance premiums, specifically on the elderly, because insurance agencies could be confident that the seniors drivers they can be insuring are indeed still capable of traveling safely.

In addition , creating federal government legislation for the states can only conserve lives – not only of elderly motorists, but more who come in contact with them. Research shows that, “For every mile they travel, people grow older 75 or perhaps older may be seriously injured or perhaps killed within an automobile accident than are motorists in any various other age group except for teenagers. (McKnight 63). One more study notes, “Of visitors fatalities concerning older drivers, 82% happened in the day time, 71% took place on weekdays, and 75% involved an additional vehicle” (“Older Drivers”). Therefore, elderly drivers are a danger to themselves, and are very likely to be wounded because of their progressively frail well being, but they are the danger in front of large audiences, as the incident in Santa Monica reminds everyone. Elderly individuals should be mandatory testing starting at age 66, and they should renew their very own drivers licenses in person, consider written, spoken, and eyesight tests, and in addition they should have to include evaluations from other doctors to assure they are emotionally and bodily able to drive. Nationwide restrictions like these may seem stiff, but with more elderly drivers on the road, they are a measure that is necessary, and necessary quickly.

What can easily Americans do to help create a better regulation system to get elderly motorists? First, the family of aged drivers should be involved in their loved ones’ lives, and their decision to keep driving. Family can often observe impaired motor skills and vision problems that their aged relatives may not want to acknowledge. One particular problem with the elderly giving up their very own automobiles is the lack of easy public transportation that they can utilize alternatively. If good public transportation was available in many areas, seniors could even now shop, go to their doctors and friends, and attend recreational events in comparative ease. Nevertheless , public transportation lags in many aspects of the country, then when it does can be found, it is often not really geared to the needs in the frail plus the slower aged rider.

Additionally , Americans ought to contact their very own Congressmen to help create across the country regulations that could ensure the protection of all People in america. If enough Americans ask for nationwide rules, then Our elected representatives will have to act. The problem will not go away, plus the solution is not simply, but it is certainly warranted. As research shows, mandatory screening beginning at age 65 can help you lives, cut costs, and preserve the elderly coming from harming themselves and others. It may not be a simple, or even a popular step, nevertheless developing a group of comprehensive testing guidelines that may be implemented throughout the country is just the right action to take to help older people, and all the other drivers on the road today, and in the near future.


Publisher not Available. “Older Drivers. inch SmartMotorist. com. 2004. twenty-three March 2006.

McKnight, a. James. “Too Aged to Drive? ” Issues in Science and Technology Winter 2000: 63.

Mercier, Cletus R., and Scott Ur. Falb. “Policy Issues: License Renewal for Older Drivers – Evaluation of the Iowa Experience in Reexamination of High-Risk Motorists. ” Plan Studies Log 25. 1 (1997): 157+.

Putting the Brakes upon Older Motorists. ” Condition Legislatures Sept. 2004: eight.

Rogers, Wendy a., ainsi que al. “Functional Limitations to Daily Living Responsibilities in the Older: A Focus Group Analysis. inches Human Elements 40. you (1998): 111+.

Sexton, Dorrie. “California Lawmakers to Take Change at Rider

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Topic: Public transportation, Their very,

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