A monologue from the perform by Oscar Wilde

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NOTE: This monologue is published from Representative One-Act Performs by Uk and Irish Authors. Ed. Barrett H. Clark simon. Boston: Tiny, Brown, and Co., 1921.

SALOME: Ah! thou wouldst not undergo me to kiss thy mouth, Iokanaan. Well! I will kiss that now. I will bite this with my personal teeth together bites a ripe fruits. Yes, Let me kiss thy mouth, Iokanaan. I said it, did I not really say this? I stated it. Oh! I will hug it today. But wherefore dost thou not check out me, Iokanaan? Thine sight that were thus terrible, thus full of trend and disapproval, are shut now. Wherefore are they shut? Open thine eyes! Lift up thine eyelids, Iokanaan! Wherefore dost thou not really look at myself? Art thou afraid of myself, Iokanaan, that thou wilt not check out me? And thy tongue, that was like a crimson snake darting poison, it moves no more, it speaks no terms, Iokanaan, that scarlet viper that ejected its venom upon me. It is strange, is it not really? How would it be that the reddish viper stirs no longer? Thou wouldst possess none of me, Iokanaan. Thou rejectedest me. Thou didst speak evil phrases against me. Thou didst bear thyself toward me personally as to a harlot, concerning a woman that is a wanton, to me, Salome, child of Herodias, Princess of Judaea! Well, I nonetheless live, although thou art dead, and thy brain belongs to me personally. I can carry out with that what I is going to. I can put it to the dogs and also to the parrots of the atmosphere. That which the dogs leave, the chickens of the atmosphere shall use. Ah, Iokanaan, Iokanaan, thou wert the person that I loved alone between men! All other men were hateful to my opinion. But thou wert amazing! Thy body was a line of ivory set after feet of silver. It had been a garden full of doves and lilies of metallic. It was a tower of silver filled with glasses of off white. There was nothing at all in the world so white because thy body. There was nothing at all in the world so black while thy hair. In the whole globe there was nothing at all so red as thy mouth. Thy voice was a censer that scattered odd perfumes, and once I seemed on thee I observed strange music. Ah! wherefore didst thou not take a look at me, Iokanaan? With the cloak of thine hands, with the cloak of thy blasphemies thou didst hide thy face. Thou didst place upon thine eyes the covering of him who see The almighty. Well, thou hast noticed thy The almighty, Iokanaan, but me, myself, thou didst never discover me. In the event that thou hadst seen me personally thou hadst loved myself. I saw thee, and I loved thee. Wow, how I cherished thee! I like thee however, Iokanaan. I love only thee. I are athirst for thy beauty, I am hungry to get thy human body, and neither wine neither apples can appease my desire. What shall I really do now, Iokanaan? Neither the floods neither the great oceans can out my enthusiasm. I was a princess, and thou didst scorn myself. I was a virgin, and thou didst take my own virginity by me. I was chaste, and thou didst fill my own veins with fire. My oh my! ah! wherefore didst thou not take a look at me? Ah! I have kissed thy mouth area, Iokanaan, I use kissed thy mouth. There were a nasty taste about thy lips. Was that the taste of blood? Nay, but perchance it was the flavor of love. I have heard it said that take pleasure in hath a bitter flavor. But what subject? what subject? I have kissed thy oral cavity.

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