Recruitment, Reading Strategies, Bangladesh, Competitive Approaches

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Excerpt from Research Proposal:

Recruiting and Variety Strategies for Landslide Limousines

Company goals

The objective of recruitment and selection tactics is to track down and secure the most appropriate people for the positions that are offered in as efficient and reliable fashion as possible (Absar, 2012). On this factor, Absar information that, “Recruitment can be defined as the set of actions that an corporation uses to attract job candidates who have the capabilities and attitudes had to assist the business accomplish its goals” (2012, p. 436). Recruitment for that reason consists of taking steps which can be required to attract the most certified individuals to produce application for employment with all the organization while selection requires choosing the best obtainable candidates (Absar, 2012). For this purpose, optimal recruitment and collection strategies contain recruiting through a variety of mass media and hiring externally and internally (Swiercz Ezzedeen, 2001).

Workforce arrange for proper staffing requirements for the next five years congruent with company goals and objectives

Currently, the company jobs an annual yield rate of about 10%. Therefore , recruiting and selection approaches should be constant rather than stationary in order to make sure an ongoing pool of potential candidates (Stringer Cheoha, 2003).

Workforce range objectives

One of many goals of the company is to promote range in its worker base like a corporate quest as well as to adhere to applicable federal and state laws (Sims, 2002).

Organizational branding problems

As a start up, Landslide Limousine should stick to the example of various other limousine providers in the past simply by emulating a well established brand for the maximum level within legal limits. There are a number of benefits to this way. According to Foxman, Muehling and Bergerot (2009), “Imitation strategies entail any or all in the marketing mixture elements, including price, merchandise, distribution, and promotion. Therefore, a series of increasingly imitative approaches is imagined, e. g., legally permissible emulation of an established brand” (p. 171). Although there are a number of ways to emulate a top market manufacturer that are lawfully permissible, the competitive environment for limo services in Austin will demand an innovative procedure. In this regard, Foxman and his affiliates point out that, “The purpose of the designers of imitator brands is to position the new product up coming to a better known (often market leader) brand. One easy means of obtaining this objective is to emulate the package design of the well-known industry leader” (2009, p. 171). Today, one of the leading limousine solutions in Austin is BigAsTexas Limousine Service ( This company features conventional all-black limousines as well as a distinctive all-pink version directed at female consumers depicted in Figure

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