Problem Solving, Problem Assertion, Problem Option, Supply Chain

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installment payments on your Assuring the coexistence in the current and time-based logistics systems


Reveals some great benefits of both current and time-based logistics devices

Fosters innovation in a framework of preserved traditional security

Allows for a period of time of tests of the new logistics program

Allows for another and direct assessment and comparison of the 2 logistics systems

The put together model might support the creation of any new ideal approach, a relationship with the supply cycle and as such a heightened competitive location (College, 2009)

Finally, the dual program would produce a more mobile phone and flexible source chain, which usually would better allow the business to respond for the challenges with the modern day market and industry (Supply Chain Management Review)


Signifies additional costs with the maintenance of both systems, including capital, technologies and human resource costs

The work carried out through the dual logistics system is complex and could even be regarded as tedious

5. 3. Ignoring the possibility of an alliance with HomeHelp and continuing while using current logistics system


No added costs

Simply no additional dangers


Limited prospective increases

Possibility of dropping the competitive position

a few. The Selected Remedy

The second suggested alternative remedy is the most enough one, by least for the moment, as it combines the advantages of both traditional and time-based logistics, whilst reducing their limitations. To begin with, the usage of the time-based logistics system allows the corporation to take the chance presented by HomeHelp and strengthen the competitive situation, improve their internal supply chain operations, promote on its own as a great innovator and so forth. Secondly, the upkeep of the classic logistics system creates a safety net in case the offer with HomeHelp falls through or just in case the new strategies system would not fully make the benefits in the beginning estimated. The most probable end result however is that Woodmere is going to fully reap the benefits of all positive aspects offered by the partnership with HomeHelp and also those implied to the re-homing of the time-based logistics system. In time, it really is then anticipated for the removal of the traditional system and its total replacement with the time-based option.

6. Setup Plan

The dual logistics system will be implemented through seven effective steps, the following:

(1) Communicate the decision intended for the time-based logistics program to Nan Peterson and get insight into their experience of time-based strategies

(2) Contract the specific services of the company with vast experience in managerial consultancy, especially a transition from one strategies system towards the other plus the implementation of change in a means that is acknowledged by the business

(3) Provide training applications to the Woodmere employees to familiarize associated with the time-based logistics system

(4) Release operations based upon the new logistics system

(5) Foster the fruitful romance with HomeHelp

(6) Carry out internal analyses to reveal the outcomes of the recently introduced program; these examines would occur at all company levels including manufacturing, promoting or financial

(7) Creating conclusions and making tips for the future based on the data recovered through the analyses


Andries, B., Gelders, L., 95, Time-based manufacturing logistics, Logistics Information Managing, Vol. almost eight, No . six

Bowersox, M. J., Closs, D. J., Cooper, Meters. B., 2009, Supply Chain Logistics Managing, 3rd Model, McGraw-Hill as well as Irwin, New York

College, N., July 2009, Development and analysis of any supply chain strategy taxonomy, Journal of Supply String Management, Vol. 45, Number 3

Hise, R. T., September-October 1995, the significance of time-based competition in international logistics strategies, Organization Horizons

Synchronizing the Circulation Supply Sequence with Freedom, Supply String Management Assessment, last accessed on October

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