In our book, prejudice is described as: a form of considering whereby an
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individual forms an unfavorable attitude aimed towards groups of people
based on insufficient or perhaps incorrect evidence about these groups. Prejudice
is a part of society for as long as society have been. There are many
several theories within the reasons for so why people kind prejudices. The idea of
sociable categorization says that it is human nature to put persons into
classes based on certain characteristics. Which is also how we form
stereotypes. Stereotypes give us a preconceived idea of how persons of a
certain group will certainly act ahead of we have skilled it direct.
Basically, stereotypes are generalizations. They may apply to some members of a
particular group yet definitely not everybody. Another theory, illusory
relationship, states that individuals tend to detect unusual tendencies that occurs in
minority groups rather than the same behavior that will occur in a majority
group. The idea that I locate most interesting is the social-identity theory
which states that folks are misjudgment in order to maximize there self-pride by
thinking that other groups happen to be inferior to them. After reading regarding all the
different reasons for bias, I believe that it is combination of all the
theories stated previously. I also strongly believe that the way one is
brought up highly ties within their beliefs. If the child is definitely brought up hearing
to his/hers parents speaking negatively in regards to a certain group of people it often
contributes to the child having the same beliefs as their parents. Another feasible
cause is if someone includes a bad or traumatizing experience. For instance, if
someone is definitely robbed with a person of a different race they may than believe that
everybody of that race is a robber and therefore they form a prejudice against
that group of people. Experience is an important factor in why some people
become prejudice or perhaps not. Imagine you have grown up on a farmville farm in Idaho your
whole life. You have hardly ever seen or met an African American person first hand
however your whole life you could have been informed that they are horrible people who deal
drugs and murder blameless people. Whilst they have never experienced them
direct, automatically this person will have a poor outlook upon that group
of people. The point I are trying to produce is that your distinct experiences and
what you have already been taught performs a big role in the prejudices that you will type.
Usually should you be immersed by all different varieties of people and have known
people from many different cultures, you will tend to have a far more open brain.
Ignorance is definitely the biggest cause of why we form bias in the first place.
Whenever we think returning to the 50s and 60s, the amount of bias and racial
discrimination has become reduced considerably. However , just as much as society will try
to stress the importance of equality there is continue to a great amount of
discrimination still taking place in the world. So , how can we all reduce prejudice
effectively? In my opinion that a significant part from this process can be educating people
from young ages about prejudice and how they need to likely be operational to all types of
people. Schools have to be culturally diversified so that kid can encounter
other types of people firsthand. I know that might not be as easy as it sounds
especially when we put into perspective financial situations and in which schools
are situated, but I do think it is important that via a young age group that people
encounter all types of cultures. Another way to teach people through stressing
that folks are all different, whether it is through the way that they dress or perhaps they approach
that they talk. Instead of looking down at other individuals differences we should
be trained to celebrate these people. In conclusion, I really believe that misjudgment is
something which still affects our society. I feel that it has definitely offers
improved as time passes and if issues keep advancing, prejudice may also
cease to exist down the road. As long as we keep training our children and
society, I think we are proceeding towards the road.
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