Oedipus The Ruler Fate, Oedipus The Ruler, Arthur Miller, Death Of A Salesman

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Sophocles writes, “Tiresias: Gowns your truth? Now hear mine: reverance the bane your very own mouth spoke. From this time on, don’t speak to me or to the people in this article. You are definitely the plague. You poison your own land” (Sophocles, 2005, p. 47). Each of these guys has great qualities, however tragic downside outweighs these kinds of qualities, and leads to shame and their problem in the end. In addition , their tragic ends include tragic outcomes on all those around them, which can be another element these two functions have in common.

It is interesting to see the similarities inside the plotting of the dramas too. Essentially, they follow the tragic character from a level in their lives to the conclusion of their concerns and how they will choose to deal with them. Their families and loved ones are put aside to sort out their very own lives without them, while they take the “easy” way out, suicide or banishment. With these types of choices, they evoke shame in the audience, but they also demonstrate their fundamental weak character types, that in the end cannot cope with adversity and defeat.

The differences between the two characters will be based in the time they are crafted and in the author’s variations. Willy is known as a modern gentleman who appears never to possess gotten the breaks is obviously he considers he deserves, while Oedipus is a dynamic leader who have seems given birth to to lead and rule. He will never confess defeat, although Willy always seems to see failure fever currently brewing. He attempts to be an optimist, but he is under no circumstances honest with himself or his family members. Here, both the characters talk about another commonality. Both have evidence to indicate they are the root of their particular problems, nevertheless neither will face this until the very end in the play. Willy cannot agree to that his family does not care about his failures, they love him anyway, while Oedipus are not able to face the oracle’s prophecies are accurate, and he has created a ghastly scenario. Both men cannot face their imperfections, which makes all of them even more tragic figures. They will evoke shame in the market, which is the thing they have both equally been attempting to avoid, which makes them even more pathetic, too.

These variations and commonalities are interesting to contemplate, considering the great time distance separating the two plays. While the character types and situations are different, the greatest conclusion implies that technology and dialect may modify and increase, but in the end, people have recently been the same pertaining to eons. There always exists tragic figures like Willy and Oedipus, who generate their own problems and then cannot face these people. There will always be characters that stimulate pity and a bit of revulsion in the viewers, and the conditions that face relatives and buddies are not and so different through time.

In summary, both of these dramatic works utilize tragedy because their ultimate theme and purpose. These two personas are extremely tragic – not really because of their abruti, but for their flaws. They are tragic character types set in tragic situations, so they embody the two Miller’s and Aristotle’s meaning of tragedy. A tragic perform is not just unfortunate; it is a difficult process concerning plot, character, and situation. Both of these performs are authentic tragedies, because their personas and their family members are influenced for all time, and in addition they cannot admit their own tragic mistakes include led to all their fate. Tragedies are not simple to watch, but they evoke emotions and pity in the audience, which means they could resonate with an audience a lot more than other varieties of drama. Ultimately, who does not really feel sorry for Willy great wasted existence, or Oedipus and his tragic mistakes? Pity and theatre go together, and the two of these characters prove that.


Callier, Arthur. (1962). Death of a salesman. Experts of Modern Theatre. Haskell Meters. Block and Robert G. Shedd, impotence. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Miller, Arthur. (2005). Disaster and the common man. Retrieved from the Virginia Community College or university System Web site: http://vccslitonline.cc.va.us/tragedy/milleressay.htm24 Feb. 2007.

Palmer, R. H. (1992). Misfortune and tragic theory: An analytical guideline. Westport, COMPUTERTOMOGRAFIE: Greenwood Press.

Sophocles. (2004). The Oedipus plays of Sophocles: Oedipus the king, Oedipus by Kolonos, and

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Topic: Character types, Family members,

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