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The objective of this paper is to supply the analysis of lifespan interview of Ms. W who was forced to take the additional obligations because her father died very fresh leaving her mother to make three young children. The study discusses the emotional, sociological, and biological tensions that a sole parent and their children confront when the father, who is the breadwinner of the family suddenly gives up. The research uses Ms. W case for the narrative analysis

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Ms. W was very fresh when her father passed away to leave her mother to shoulder added responsibilities of caring for three kids. Ms. T case was an excellent choice for the review and analysis since the information gathered for a assessment assists in providing the in-depth knowledge of the individual personal problem who has knowledgeable a sudden a loss of a father in a young age and being elevated by a single mother. The analysis gives data on social, traditional, psychological and cultural designs. Similar to various other qualitative study, it involves content analysis requiring looking at the data to be able to develop codes helping to describe information accumulated.

The outcome from the interview uncovers that Ms. Ws mom was extremely stressed mainly because she was taking way too many obligations. Yet , Ms. Watts trusted her mother when ever she was adolescent disclosing that the opening sentence was entirely true showing that Ms. T and her mother was getting along when your woman was a teenager. Although, her mother may be highly burdened because of the extra responsibility toward her kids however , Ms. W affirmed that the lady trusted her father if he was surviving showing that she would always be upset dropping her dad at the youthful age. When confirmed that her mom lashed anger on her based on the sudden loss of her partner, nevertheless, Ms. Watts still supported her potential. She identified herself while an individual stuffed with energy prepared to tackle difficult situations. Even though, Ms. W confirmed having some close female good friends, nevertheless, the lady prefers man friends than female friends because her female close friends gossiped behind her back. Thus, Ms. W socialized more with boys than girls since she was more comfortable with man counterparts than the female counterparts. The behavior of Ms. W is understandable because of the changes in the adolescent appearance can be remarkable. Moreover, their particular cognitive improvements allow the adolescent to cause, think and understand concerns more significantly. Thus, their particular cognitive skills allows these to reason properly and develop problem-solving skills. Although, you may still find few several significant intellectual development, abilities, and capabilities between girls and boys, nevertheless, young ladies have comfortable about their social and examining skills. (APA, 2002). Hence, Ms. W was able to display this social ability to associate with kids than young ladies during her adolescent. Despite being more associated with man friends, Ms. W adolescent identity was primarily linked to that of helper. Typically, her roles as a helper would be to accommodate people assisting these people, and displaying

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