Some read literature to idle away their time. A few read catalogs to expand their knowledge, while many others read literature to enjoy its content.

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I belong to its kind. I enjoy studying good catalogs particularly books, short testimonies, plays, etc . The world renowned literary functions of great writers such as, Charles Dickens, Tolstoy, Dominique Lappiere, Rabindranath Tagore, R. T. Narayan, Arundhathi Roy, Salman Rushdie, etc . have always thrilled and thrilled me, giving waves of delight, leisure, relaxation and mental refreshment. My favourite book is City of Joy’ written by Dominique Lappiere. The book is a pressing description in the lives from the slum-dwellers of Kolkata. The street-urchins, cycle-rickshaw pullers, city-vendors, coolies, pimps, ordinary people are the characters and heroines of this account.

Their lives, their joys and battling and their pitiable existence will be vividly colored by the publisher. It is the account of the most undesired people of the world. But the publisher finds delight, courage, superiority, and fine qualities around this miserable existence. The storyline has handled me a great deal that I have got read this publication several times over the last few years.

One of the most attractive feature of the book, which impressed me most, was the author’s mention of minute details. Mcdougal does not give a picture of the slums of Kolkata via far but rather presents a realistic picture using its congested dwellings, dirty canal, narrow walkways, people’s quarrels and arguements, their feasts and celebrations, etc . The beauty of narration turns into all the more stimulating when it is practical and authentic. No wonder so why the publication has gained so much worldwide acclaim. Second of all, the superb demonstration of the moments, characters and episodes if important or perhaps unimportant in the story, keeps the reader enchanted throughout. The language is simple and the style of liaison is down to earth.

The author’s skill of characterisation is too exquisite to travel unnoticed. Once we read the book, a whole confront of numerous lives open before us. Lappiere’s art of story building is also most impressive. The gradual build-up of the account leading to a touching climax in the end has turned Lappiere’s work a wonderful fictional work, really worth reading.

Please be advised that, that in the event one starts reading this book, he or she may not be able to put away the book without completing it. The curiosity to know what happened with their lives and just how they would conclude finally retains the reader fired up and causes him/her to go on with the reading. Over the last several years I have go through many books, particularly fictions. But none of them provides impressed me or carressed me this way and helped bring tears to my eyes since City of Joy’.

To my opinion this book is among the finest ebooks in the world. Its excellent characteristics have made it the best book.

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