Cohen’s article (2010) addresses the simple fact that the transition from teenage years to adult life no longer arises at age 21 years old. Starting in the 1970’s the U. S. economy improved from a manufacturing economic climate to a service-based economy.

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The results are obvious today. This kind of economically driven shift improved how persons prepared intended for careers and life. The conventional timing of becoming an adult, matrimony, career, kids, and financial independence right now occurs almost 10 years later than before. Erickson’s would study and build a new pattern of ten stages which include of development from a decade up until now. For each and every specific issue at each level, which allows someone to develop successfully.

Each issue would have to end up being extended resulting from the enhancements made on the economy today. The effect of resolved issues are more appropriate as the result the modify of teenagers to adulthood no longer taking place to prevent the transition to another stage of development. Erickson The most profound life crisis occurs at the fifth level of advancement, which can be characterized by rapid physical growth, sexual maturing, concern about the perception of us by other folks and search of professional calling. The final stage is likewise crucial, as people butts their your life and their achievements. If a man looks back by his existence with few regrets, and feels that it was worth living, it leads to a feeling of satisfaction.

If, on the contrary, the person seems hopeless, indicates his faults, it brings about a feeling of lose hope. According to Erickson, when a person defines a sense of wholeness and self-identity, he will not really be afraid of death, and this means that this person has reached the highest form of achievements. References: Cohen, P. (2010).

Extended road to adulthood is growing even much longer. Retrieved via in September 13, 2014.

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