It is a known fact that modern entertainment media created specific images and stereotypes of Latin, Oriental and other ethnic minorities living in our country. American cinema movies, Tv shows or even PERSONAL COMPUTER games mostly picture the members of Latin and Mexican ethnicities as extreme tempered mustached guys, whom smoke and fight a whole lot, and who have are always involved in drug circulation or some legal activities. This kind of tendency had very unwanted effects on our minds, and a lot of of our individuals are convinced that you will find no educated, good-mannered and decent people in Mexican communities.

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I had been always wondering why it happens by doing this, and studying some traditional material, like the articles from the site Digital History, helped me to find a lot of answers on this question. This kind of tendency proved to have a very long history and it was formed during the second plus the third many years of the 20th century, once Hollywood makers started articulating their matter and worries caused by the afflux of talented Philippine actors, which include Lupe Velez or Dolores Del Rio de janeiro, their achievement and general public recognition in the usa. That is why a large number of performers of Latin beginning were given the roles of bandits, robbers and other not really attractive personas.

After the World War II a number of videos were developed, in which the directors tried to reestablish the image of Mexican People in america, but following your 1960s, if the problems of illegal migration from the Southern became topical ointment, caricaturizing the Mexicans ongoing. During the last many years, negative personas of Hispanic origin have been completely appearing in many popular cinema movies or TV series, starting from Chico and the Man and ending with 24. Also, a great contribution to reinforcing the unbalanced images with the Mexicans was made by a number of popular games Grand Thievery Auto (GTA).

In my opinion, this situation is really dejecting, and I am convinced that recent efforts of Mexican artists to demonstrate their the case cultural personality and exclusive distinctive history must be supported in our contemporary society, and their cultural voices must be heard.

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Category: Tradition,

Topic: American, Many years, Mexican, Popular, This kind,

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