The Dominospiel theory is known as a significant objective in outlining US treatment in Vietnam, as not merely the government acknowledged it, however the wider American Public performed as well. Yet , there are other factors that inspired the US at that time, such as the Electricity vacuum in Vietnam following Dien Adecuadamente Phu, the Geneva accords and the loss in China to communism. The Domino theory is the theory that if one nation ‘falls’ to communism then simply that the reds would pass on until all the countries possess ‘fallen’ to it.

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The intervened due to this as there was a great anxiety about communism about at the time. McCarthyism had merely become a serious problem, with many government officials staying accused to be communist and since Truman had lost Chinese suppliers, Eisenhower knew that in the event he ‘lost’ Vietnam, then his acceptance would undergo greatly since the US general public would believe he was gentle on the reds. As a result, he would not be re-elected.

The domino theory was significant because in the event Indochina droped to communism then there was a risk of the US dropping Japan, following the effort the put into rebuilding Japan following WW2 and all the operate that came from Japan, the couldn’t find the money for for Japan to be endangered. Another significant reason why america intervened in South East Asia was the power vacuum pressure after Dien Bien Phu. The French were defeated and withdrew by Vietnam, plus the US were worried that China, and even perhaps the Soviets would begin to take control.

Then Ho Chihuahua Minh appeared as a potential leader; Ho had spent time in Moscow and the US viewed him as a communist rather than a nationalist, which supposed they terrifying him becoming in electric power and therefore, that they had to get involved in South East Asia. Otherwise, the US may possibly have intervened in Southern region East Asia because of the insufficient faith inside the Geneva accords. The Geneva accords concluded the conflict between England and the Viet Minh although partitioned Vietnam along the seventeen parallel. Eisenhower was worried that the power of North Vietnam might cause the accords to get corrupted.

If totally free elections were held then Vietnam would turn into a united communism country. As a result, Eisenhower followed a policy of supporting Diem economically and militarily, to help contain communism. In addition , Eisenhower felt Ho had triumphed at Geneva and sensed he had to ‘restore’ ALL OF US prestige, this kind of led to SEATO being made and as a consequence, further involved the US in South East Asia.

In conclusion, the Domino theory was a very significant reason as to the reasons the US intervened in Southern East Asia in the 1950s. though, other factors were of equivalent importance while everything merely added with each other until the US had no second option to act otherwise they would taking the ‘respect’ of the other countries. I think which the main factor was communism, around time, everyone feared it and thus, Eisenhower needed to act.

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Category: Tradition,

Topic: East Asia, Theory,

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