KFC: continue to increase localization, pushing spicy Sichuan chicken Several cities in China Kendejichuan spicy chicken breast on television ads starting from Oct 27. twelve scale appears, the product was launched. At the same time to sell a product in China have another breakfast time food, wolfberry Pumpkin porridge. The introduction of hot and spicy Sichuan rooster only inside the McDonald’s “face” strategy of just one month, and advertising intensity is very high, so we are able to respond to competition as this is a response to APPLEBEES. KFC goes on the current strategy is plainly its long-lasting localization approach. Let us look back to his food with Chinese characteristics.

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As 2000, KFC tastes have got continued to attempt to figure out people, the introduction of a normal Chinese items, such as a fifty percent fried wings, mustard pig soup, cold Daoxiang mushroom rice, poultry roll of old Beijing, Guangdong, soft cushions chatter various meats flavor. Normal Each month, APPLEBEES will launch the long lasting or immediate localized items. KFC The “Sichuan Spicy chicken” learn the essence of Sichuan, picking out the side ribs and chicken wings, poultry processing in small pieces of bone, and after that use a exceptional “hot self defense powder, chicken marinade, ” preserved, after frying, spicy and delightful, with wealthy flavors of Sichuan. APPLEBEES seems to have been determined to create China’s ten major cuisines are the reorganization.

In other aspects, the speed of the same compact localization Kentucky. 1, KFC in Chinese suppliers, the amount of local procurement of raw materials come to 95%, of which bread, rooster and vegetables all come from China alone. 2, the year 2003 Chinese Beginning of the year, from early on January to February on the lookout for, white beard, “Kentucky grandfather” changed the usual “suit, ” the classic image of more than 168 cities in China, 800 restaurants, likewise put on the regular Chinese holiday break costumes. 3, the layout of KFC’s shops have started to burn a lot of elements including China. Of course , more Chinese people speaking, turns KFC has introduced a normal Chinese term and Chinese food is more characteristic in the food of interest.

Localization of the product and did not weaken the image of foreign brands KFC. Several experts pointed out that “tends to localization” refers to the international corporations in maintaining the “classic” status from the product or service key premise, the country’s condition with due regard to make a local natural and ethnical environment exactly like the business environment to attract more local consumers. both the positive effect and localization, the localization of the rate of building a concise KFC manufacturer in Customer becoming a primary strategy on this company 1.

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