Considering that the inception of the company’s initially outlet in Cleveland, Mississippi in the year 1987, Back Yard Hamburgers depended mainly on the person to person publicity to spread understanding and enhance its residence cooked burgers. New stores that opened up in the future years widened not only the company’s customer base and revenue yet also pressured the need for extreme marketing strategy to sustain the increased expense of operations. Backyard Burgers began advertising on the television back in 1993. The original advertising campaigns had been titled “the great burger wars” that took a punch on the competitors.

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In June year 1994 the company designed a series of campaigns that highlighted Dennis R. Phillipi, a well known comedian in Memphis who have soon started to be famous as Dennis the “Back Lawn Burgers Guy”. The ads projected the burgers since bigger, tastier, and better than those made available from the rivals due to its grilled cooking method that melted most of the excess fat. The advertising campaigns were effective in increasing sales and raising the revenue simply by 10 to 15%.

Start of new products and subsequent commercials on the tv set featuring Dennis Phillipi was an effective approach. The company utilized the audio tracks of these advertisements in car radio advertising that was cheaper. In addition the corporation also used direct mail marketing. The company gathers 1% of taxable sales from every franchisee and company-operated eating places that goes to the national marketing fund. fifty percent of this fund is utilized for marketing promotions through different channels just like radio, television, and produce media.

The others 50% can be used for researching the market, new product assessment, and development, improvising around the operational front side. The company’s marketing movie director monitors product launch and new restaurant opening offers and promoting managers which has a well-trained staff. The supervision works in collaboration together with the franchisees towards advertising and promotion of its restaurants.

The advertising and marketing fee gained by the company increased from $314, 000 in September 1, 06\ period to $318, 1000 in 06 30, 3 years ago period. The $4000 boost over the previous period is definitely accounted to the 1% of sales that goes to the national advertising account as per organization policies. The corporation also recorded an increase in the advertising charge from $668, 000 in the July 1, 2006 to $814, 1000 in Summer 30, 3 years ago that qualities to around 5% of the net restaurant sales about advertising in the past year. (see annexure pertaining to the comparative income statements). The corporation has been stressing on the advertising and advertising strategy but it really has not been extremely effective.

There are some significant points which can be highlighted in this respect. • The business has not been capable to create manufacturer loyalty and brand consciousness in spite of high-quality products and powerful marketing strategy. This could be attributed to low brand visibility. This can be cured with intense market promotions that aim the younger generation due to the fact that this is the biggest consumer section for the fast food market. Strategies that aim for deeper market transmission, fun logo that people may relate to enjoyable food and moments are crucial for company positioning. “Fun logo” is actually a concept the fact that consumers may equate with good times.

The straightforward logo of McDonald’s is definitely identifiable and children and youngsters may spot this from a distance – this is among the finest examples of successful brand positioning. • The other concept that the Back Yard Burgers can easily adopt is the use of bright color-coding for his or her outlets as well as the signboards. A bright color scheme allures the younger generation and provide it a great inviting appearance. The order, regularity in appear and feel of the franchisee restaurants as well as the other company-operated restaurant is important to make an easily well-known picture in the consumer heads. • In running a successful brand promo campaign the main point is usually to identify the buyer segment.

Who are the buyers and the target focus group for this chain of restaurants? The children and adolescents who form an important chunk of the consumer group typically prefer the fast food industry. The working people portion is another portion that will drop by for quickly and filling up food within their office hours. Fast services food is advisable meal for this segment. Promotions attracting these two segments will create brand consciousness and cause higher earnings for the business. • Last but not the least the quality of food and assistance efficiency is definitely the crux with the fast food sector.

A good and satisfying food will have the consumers returning for more. The satisfied and happy client will not only encourage brand commitment but will have excessive recommendations about the food and service to their particular friends and families. This is actually the greatest type of publicity a fast food outlet can expect.

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Topic: Essay, Fast food, Promotion, Strategy,

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