Every day, people generate several decisions that more or perhaps less impact their live.

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However , you need to consider others and results before the decisions were made, as selfish decisions can cause plenty of problems. The selfish options that picked by the main characters in both “On the Wet River” and “A Set of Silk Stocking” cause repent and increase conflict between the main character types and themselves. Regret could be caused by self-centered decisions. On the other hand, O’Brien, the narrator of the “On the Rainy River” felt guilty and concerned with his family members during the way to Canada because he fled away from the war: “I would go to the war–I would kill and maybe perish –because I was embarrassed not to. That was the sad thing” (O’Brien 12).

Clearly, O’Brien explained so why he went to Canada and continued his lifestyle without contradicting his own beliefs. Right here he misplaced his probability at having personal happiness and would have to live with feel dissapointed from then on. Though, O’Brien went back and become a member of the military services in the end, this individual still could not get away from the guilt that rose by his decisions: “I made it through, but it’s not a completely happy ending. I was a coward.

I visited the war” (O’Brien 14). Unlike most people, O’Brien would not regarded making it through form the warfare as a privileged thing intended for him, rather, O’Brien considered himself as a coward and did not forgive himself to make the incorrect decision to any extent further. On the other hand, Mrs. Sommer, the character of “A Couple of Silk Stockings” also believed guilty about her relatives, for the mother used up all the 15 pounds to acquire accessories and entertained their self instead of obtaining “so therefore many yards of percales for new t-shirt waists for the kids and Janie and Mag”(Chopin 1).

The fifteen pounds were supposed to spend on the clothing of their children according to Mrs. Sommers’s plan by beginning, although she put in all intended for herself. By the end of time, she did not want to go residence: “in real truth he found noting—unless this individual were sorcerer enough to detect a poignant desire, a powerful yearning that the cable television car would not stop anywhere, but embark on forever” (Chopin 3). Mrs. Sommers’s believed reflected her regret since she wished the wire can work forever, in order that she would not need to go back home and deal with her families.

Obviously, personal happiness can not be achieved by selfishness, doing this can easily create nothing but regret which will follow a person through their very own life. Furthermore, the selfishness gives increase to turmoil between people and themselves. In “On the Rainy River”, on the one side, O’Brien believed he was “too good for the war. Also smart, too compassionate, also everything” (O’Brien 3) considering that the war is totally unreasonable intended for him.

This individual did not desire to be killed or kill anybody else. On the other side, this individual found himself is completely irresponsible for equally his family and country, intended for the simple explanation that he neither backed his region nor safeguarded his friends and family during the most dangerous time. Due to his strong sense of morality plus the honourable values like bolstering his personal country, O’Brien struggled with two conflicting forces per se.

Similarly, Mrs. Sommers struggled against very little to repress the tendencies and enticement of the luxurious items. To start with, she prepared to spend the cash on her children. However , when she entered the department store, she had a powerful desire for a moment of luxury. She tried to conceal the desire due to her monetary situations.

Eventually “she continued feeling the soft, sheeny luxurious things—with both hands now, holding them up to find them glisten, and think them glide serpent-like through her fingertips. Two busy blotches emerged suddenly in to her light cheeks” (Chopin 2) and undoubtedly the lady succumbed to her desires. Right at the end of the short story, Mrs. Sommers was extraordinarily eager for the high-class life to prevent end “a poignant wish, a powerful wishing that the cable television car would not stop anywhere, but continue and on with her forever” (Chopin 3). The cable in some way represented her desire life as at that time simply wealthy people were able to afford cable.

Her wish represented she continue to wanted to enjoy the feeling of that unrealistic deluxe life and was not willing to return back to reality. Eventually, being self-centered leads to the conflicts between people and themselves and annoyance in their life. Overall, the 2 short testimonies namely “On the Rainy River” and “A Set of Silk Stockings” emphasized the negative effects of selfishness on man life. Equally O’Brien and Mrs. Sommer suffered the regret and conflicting pushes that flower by their selfishness.

Therefore it is essential to consider the result before making a choice since selfish decisions, extended range term, are unable to bring any happiness and self-satisfactory.

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Category: Existence,

Topic: Cable television, Essay, Impact, Life, Personal, This individual,

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