In Oscar Wilde’s play The value of Being Earnest reflected the changing function of Even victorian women. The character Gwendolen Fairfax was most like the women of the time. She is very much like her mother, Girl Bracknell, who have seemed very secure and self-employed. The women with the Victorian grow older were thinking about educating and improving themselves. Both intellectually and cosmetically, women wanted to be better and possess more legal rights. Gwendolen was a pretentious women who was captivated with the identity of Earnest.

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She stated that she wouldn’t want to marry any individual without that name.

Her superficial frame of mind concerning this is reflective of Victorian times, when central to upper-class women had been most worried about appearance and reputation. These women felt that it was required for appear reputable and positive, and their partners had to reflect that photo. It was a pretentious attitude of the time. Gwendolen also went to lectures, which has been a way of enhancing herself intellectually. She was obviously a thinking female, who had her own thoughts.

When she provides an opinion the lady gives it with authority.

She’s flirtatious with Jack/Earnest and comes off as a female who needs her individual way. She’s much just like her mom, Lady Bracknell. Lady Bracknell attempts to influence her daughter’s marriage decisions, in fact it is clear that she is most concerned with photo as well. Options say that the ideas of marriage inside the Victorian age were significantly less romantic. Marriage served the purpose of a woman becoming taken care of and having a great honorable standing. Having a husband was a lot a status image. We can see that even though Jack port was hiding his name, he is supposed to be “Earnest.

 The value of being Keen as the play name suggests, is actually the importance of maintaining the ideal image of honor and respectability. The fact that Lady Bracknell was on their own in charge of her daughter, implies that women had been becoming a bit more free. Your woman was not a single mother, yet due to the sickness of the daddy she was able to do while she satisfied and have a say in who her daughter déconfit. Before now it was the daddy who had that right. Females slowly became more and more powerfulk, and her character shows that.

Performs Cited

Landale, Nacy S.. “Dirty Ideology and Libido among Victorian Women.  Social Research History, thirty eight. 2 (1986): 147-170. JSTOR. 6 Apr. 2007 . Murray, Isobel, education. Oscar Wilde: The Major Works. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Questia. 6 April. 2007 . Nicoll, Allardyce. A brief history of Late Nineteenth Century Crisis, 1850-1900. Volume. 1 . Cambridge, England: University Press, 1946. Questia. six Apr. 3 years ago .

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Category: Society,

Topic: Lady Bracknell, Oscar Wilde, University Press,

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