While the most walking spaces talk regarding strength efficiency revolves around highly noticeable feature just like solar panel, additional efficiency technology have the potential to lower the amount of strength consumption significantly in walking space. With organizations including Saudi Aramco where personnel walk, trot, the ride bike and also other different activities, the use of strength conservation can have important environmental and monetary influences. This report aims to offer Saudi Aramco’s board beneficial information about fresh technologies for energy and cost saving by making advancements to their Golf course.

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This record offers a starting point for considering energy effectiveness improvements in the organization’s environment.

It has been projected that electrical energy for lamps consumes around 20% in the world’s electrical power station’s creation. Introducing energy-efficient lighting to all our lighting needs will dramatically reduce the overall consumption of globally energy. Virtually any small changes in our lighting use is going to produce substantial energy personal savings in the end. The high-energy use can be tackled by using clean energy sources, such as solar panels, through using lumination sources that require less strength and develop the same numbers of lighting.

This survey will propose an efficient light project to lessen the energy consumption of the signals used to illumine the walkway around the Dhahran Golf Course.


The Pathway around the Dhahran Golf course is around 5. six kilometers very long. The pathway is used daily by Saudi Aramco workers to walk, jog, motorcycle and other diverse activities. Almost all of this walkway’s use takes place at night, following working several hours, meaning that it needs to be well lit intended for the employees make use of. Currently, Small Fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs which have been fixed to poles all around the pathway illuminate the sidewalk. CFL light bulbs are considered being more efficient than traditional Incandescent Light bulbs, creating a service life of approximately 8000 hours compared to a maximum one particular, 000 hoursfor Incandescent light bulbs. This much longer service life brings about fewer light bulb replacements, yet more efficient systems exist.

To get the Dhahran Golf Course pathway efficient lighting project, they proposed the utilization of three innovative energy lowering technologies. The three techniques happen to be, Light Giving out Diodes (LED), solar panels to power the LED’s, and a special material that uses energy collected during the day to glow in dark. A quick summary of each technology will be given to better understand the use can contribute to rendering more efficient light for the walkway.

Light Giving out Diodes (LED)

LED light bulbs produce light through the use of a semiconductor that releases light strength when an electric current is definitely passed through it. This way of creating light varies from CFL light bulbs, which in turn pass energy through mercury vapor to create UV light, which is then simply enthralled by simply aphosphor covering up inside the lamp, causing that to shine. LED bulbs have been in living for some time now nevertheless were very costly compared to Amoureux and CFL light bulbs. Over the last couple of years LED light bulb prices have decreased significantly, thus, making them a more economically viable option, especially when considering their long service moments. The desk below information the differences among CFL and LED bulbs.

Light Giving out Diodes (LEDs) Compact Fluorescents (CFLs)

Life Span (average) 50, 000 hours 8, 000 hours

Watts of electric power usedsix ” eight watts 13-15 watts

(Equivalent to sixty watt bulb). Annual Operating Cost$32. 85/year $76. 65/year

Contains the HARMFUL MercuryNUMBER Yes-Mercury is highly toxic on your health and environment

Carbon Dioxide Exhausts 451 pounds/year 1051 pounds/year

Sensitivity to low conditions None of them Yes” may not function under-23 C or over forty-nine C

Delicate to dampness No Certainly

On/off Cycling(Switching on/off quickly) No Result Yes” can easily reduce the life expectancy drastically

Turns on instantly Sure No” takes time to warm-up

Stability Extremely Stable” LEDs can handle jarring and thumping Not highly stable” glass can break easily

Heath Emitted 3. 4 btu’s/hour 30 btu’s/hour

Failure ModesNot standard Yes. Might catch fireplace

As depicted from the above stand using LEDs for lighting make equally economic and environmental sense.

Solar panels

Solar panels are used to create energy by simply converting sunshine directly into electricity. The electricity generated by solar panels can be stored in batteries for later use. Just like LEDs, the cost of solar panels the past many years have been losing, making them more economical. They have as well become more successful in switching a higher percentage of the light captured in electricity.

Glow in the Dark Paint/Stones

Consists of a luminescent material and synthetic resins that obtain excited when you are exposed to daylight or a source of light giving it a great afterglow that initially is extremely radiant, then slowly disappears as time passes simply by. This material provides a soft glowing light that just needs the sunlight during the day for this to produce mild at night. This material can provide twelve hours of burning when confronted with only 2 hours of daily sunshine with a Luminescence Life of up to 20 years.


Initial the team received data set from the Saudi Aramco accounting department which contained a listing of cost energy spent. The information set likewise provided predicted energy utilization in lighting in Saudi Aramco. From here, the team was able to filtration the data only for lighting surrounding the Dhahran Golf course. With this kind of data established, the group generated summary statistic to find distribution for energy ingestion (mmBTUs). The objective of defining record use was going to estimate energy consumption pertaining to the Course as well as understanding the range of the golf course.

Following, the team after that evaluated diverse technologies to gain energy saving potential. An early hurdle the team confronted was the right way to estimate the effect of each technology on various places in the Golf course. To discover a solution in this issue, they conducted circumstance studies and independent research to evaluate the other solutions. The team performed a systematic analysis of each of the techniques named above. Every technology was eluted based upon: cost estimate for the project, problems of set up, a percentage predicted efficiency profits, estimated payback periods and consistency of paybacks.


The physique that follows signifies the consumption of energy (from 2013).


An instance study examination of the literatures suggested the fact that combination of each of the technologies had a greater benefit-cost ratio than one and net present values consequently indicating the benefits of energy saving brought by the approach. To prevent the high climb of energy usage as suggested by the physique above, ultrasonic and infrared technology can be of increased benefit. These kinds of methods identify sound, warmth, and action, hence better in spots where people move more efficient. A more imaginative technology like this would improve the energy saving potential, but can also be unappealing to government who have fewer control regarding when the signals turn off specifically spaces. Despite their advantages, they continue to be much more harmful for purchase than alternative lighting types.


This proposed design was first constructed by simply Daan Roosegaarde, a picture night painter, who designed a bycle path in Nueener, East of Eindhoven forming an element of the Vehicle gogh pattern through Noord-Brabant in Netherlands. According to Roosegaarde, this proposed technology is “more gentle for the eye and surrounding environment compared to different existing solutions (De zeen magazine, 2014, par 4).

Suggestion and strategy

The perfect solution I am proposing is known as a combination of three technologies discussed, LED light, Solar panels, and glow in the dark materials. First all the CFL lighting needs to be removed. CFL bulbs possess a much shorter service life and still have higher energy requirements. As a result of long-life and intensely low strength use, LED lights will be used instead. The LED signals will be powered by the suggested solar panels, making the solution self-reliant with no need for connecting to the electricity grid. Besides the LED lights, the excellent material/paint that may be placed on the walkway on its own, will make use of the sunlight during the day to provide a glowing light for nighttime. With this put together solution, we will understand the following rewards:

Lower strength cost (no need to hook up to the electrical grid)

Environmentally friendly solution

Self-reliant, all power is in the sunlight

Get rid of the need for CFL that contain harmful mercury

Reduced maintenance price:

Less repeated bulb replacement, due to LED long lifespan and durability.

Strength efficiency avails an incredible chance for positive community, national and international effect. While organizations save money, the organization strain within the electrical strategy is relaxed, hence lowering with the global pollutant emission. Whatever the motivation, strength efficiency should be viewed as a chance to upgrade companies. Saudi Aramco is encouraged to use this survey as a supplemental resource within their decision process. After reading through the survey, Saudi Aramco is heartening to learn further more details about strength efficiency technologies of their curiosity.


Benefits associated with LED Lamps Vs CFLs retrieved from: http://lifx.co/lighting101/advantages/led-vs-cfl/Comparison Graph and or chart: LED Lamps vs . Incandescent Light Bulbs or CFLs. Recovered from: http://www.designrecycleinc.com/led%20comp%20chart.htmlDe zeen magazine (2014). Daan Roosegaarde’s glowing Van gogh cycle way to open in the Netherlands. Gathered from: http://www.dezeen.com/2014/11/12/daan-roosegaarde-van-gogh-bicycle-path-glowing-patterns-nuenen-netherlands/Pacific lamp From suppliers. Retrieved via: http://paclamp.com/news/light-bulb-moment-how-lighting-became-efficient-over-yearsPath Sixth is v. G. Beautiful lines Intelligent Highway. Recovered from: https://www.studioroosegaarde.net/project/van-gogh-path/The History of the Light Bulb: http://energy.gov/articles/history-light-bulb

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