In Chinese video game market, you will find two normal price strategies, Charging and Free. The Charging means that the customers have to pay for the game.

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They need to buy the game consumer or spend on the play time (for example: RMB30 pertaining to 4000minits or RMB90 pertaining to 1month). The Free implies that the customers can play the essential game free of charge. And they can buy some items in the shop around the official web page or directly in the game shop.

The two players I picked for this examination are Wow from Courant Entertainment, Incorporation. and a fresh launched online game from Beijing Perfect Community Network Technology Co., Ltd. Blizzard Entertainment is one of the greatest game suppliers all over the world. Plus the World of Warcraft is among the three most well-known game released by Blizzard Entertainment. In number of coexisting online players of World of Warcraft reached its top on 2009 at about 13million players.

This number reduced to about 10million this year. And now, based upon the economic report coming from Blizzard Entertainment, this amount is about 8million. Perfect World is one of the most famous game makers in Cina.

They released more than 15 online games not only in Chinese market, but as well in oversea market such as Europe, America, Russia and Australia. My personal topic is all about that Perfect Universe wants to kick off a new gameplay in Chinese market. After which Blizzard Entertainment will determine the price technique for World of Warcraft. The two organization has two price tactics, Charging and Free. Wow now using the Charging value strategy.

Mainly because that when Courant Entertainment launched World of Warcraft, it had been the best gameplay in the online game market. Today some of their customers go to play free video games. But the World of Warcraft still being seen as provides higher quality than any Made in China online games. Perfect World Vent EntertainmentPW: Cost-free BE: FreePW: Charging BECOME: Free PW: Free ALWAYS BE: ChargingPW: Asking BE: Asking In the remaining top stop, both the two company select Free. In cases like this, more buyers will choose Blizzard Entertainment’s game.

Additionally price, they may naturally opt for the better 1. But the Vent Entertainment’s earnings will fall as they convert from Recharging to Cost-free. In the kept bottom obstruct, Blizzard Entertainment keep Asking and Perfect Universe choose Totally free. This situation is what happened recently. Some of their clients go to play free online games.

The Vent Entertainment will lose their customers and profits. Inside the right top rated block, Blizzard Entertainment alterations its cost strategy to Free but Best World chooses Charging. In cases like this, most of buyers will choose Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft.

Because they can play higher quality video game for free. In the right bottom block, both two company choose Asking. In this scenario, both of them will lose their profits. The customers is going to find other free games in the market.

Thus l will evaluate the case as adhere to: Perfect Community Blizzard EntertainmentPW: Free(4) BE: Free(5)PW: Charging(3) BE: Free(10) PW: Free(5) BE: Charging(6)PW: Charging(3) BE: Charging(3) So we can see it does not matter Blizzard Entertainment choose Charging or Free, Perfect Community will choose Free to drive more moreattract profits. This means, in this Sequential Game, Best World provides its site option to choose Free. Following Perfect Community make its decision, Vent Entertainment could keep Charging to obtain more profits.

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Category: Tradition,

Topic: Game, Market, Online, Theory,

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