Business Pattern (or Transact Cycle) is divided into the subsequent four stages: – Success Phase: Growth or Boom or Upswing of economic system. Recession Period: from wealth to downturn (upper turning point). Depressive disorder Phase: Contraction or Forward swing of economic system.

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Recovery Period: from major depression to prosperity (lower turning Point).

Diagram of Four Stages of Organization Cycle

The four stages of business cycles are shown inside the following picture: –

The business cycle starts off from a trough (lower point) and passes by using a recovery phase followed by a period of time of growth (upper turning point) and prosperity.

Following your peak stage is come to there is a weak phase of recession accompanied by a depressive disorder. Again the business cycle goes on similarly with ups and downs.

Description of Four Stages of Organization Cycle

The four phases of a organization cycle will be briefly explained as follows: –

1 . Abundance Phase

When ever there is an expansion of output, profits, employment, rates and income, there is also a rise in the standard of living.

This period is usually termed as Wealth phase. The features of prosperity are: –

High level of output and trade.

High level of effective require.

Dangerous of salary and career.

Increasing interest rates.


Large development of lender credit.

Overall organization optimism.

A high level of MEC (Marginal productivity of capital) and expense. Due to total employment of resources, the degree of production is Maximum and a rise in GNP (Gross National Product). Due to if you are an00 ofeconomic activity, it causes a rise in prices and profits. There may be an upswing in the economic activity and economy gets to its Optimum. This is also called as a Growth Period.

2 . Recession Period

The level from prosperity to despression symptoms is referred to as Recession Period. During a recession period, the economic actions slow down. When demand begins falling, the overproduction and future expenditure plans are given up. There exists a steady decline in the output, income, career, prices and profits. The businessmen lose confidence and turn pessimistic (Negative). It reduces investment. The banks and the people get greater liquidity, so credit also deals. Expansion of business stops, stock market comes. Orders will be cancelled and individuals start losing their jobs. The increase in unemployment causes a sharp drop in income and aggregate demand. Generally, recession takes a short period.

3. Depression Stage

When there exists a continuous decrease of output, income, employment, prices and profits, there is a along with the standard of living and depression makes its presence felt. The features of depression will be: –

Fall in amount of output and trade.

Fall in profits and within unemployment.

Decline in consumption and demand.

Fall in interest rate.


Contraction of financial institution credit.

Overall business pessimism.

Fall in MEC (Marginal performance of capital) and purchase. In major depression, there is under-utilization of assets and along with GNP (Gross National

Product). The combination economic activity is at the best, causing a decline in prices and profits until the economy actually reaches its Trough (low point).

4. Recovery Phase

The turning point by depression to expansion can be termed as Restoration orRevival Stage. During the period of revival or recovery, there are expansions and rise in economic activities. When demand starts rising, production increases and this triggers an increase in expense. There is a stable rise in end result, income, employment, prices and profits. The businessmen gain confidence and turn optimistic (Positive). This boosts investments.

The stimulation of investment results in the revival or recovery of the economic system. The financial institutions expand credit, business expansion takes place and stock marketplaces are triggered. There is a rise in employment, production, income and aggregate demand, prices and profits commence rising, and business extends. Revival gradually emerges in prosperity, and the business pattern is repeated. Thus we come across that, through the expansionary or prosperity stage, there is pumpiing and during the contraction or depression phase, there is a deflation.


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Topic: Aggregate demand, Economic system,

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