In the article “American Values and Assumptions” (American Ways: A guide for Foreign people, 2003), Gary Althen covers about the values and assumptions of American cultures and whether if they are beneficial or perhaps harmful to American society. In the us, people have strong competition toward others and also they spend time issues privacy. Equally American culture’s value and assumption will be beneficial to American society.

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American culture that is certainly having a strong competition is helpful to American society since having contests make you compare yourself with others who also are better than both you and it enables you to try to be a better at what you happen to be competing on. “Competitiveness is much less obvious launched in the minds of people who are consistently evaluating themselves to: who is more quickly, smarter, richer, better searching; ” (Althen 8). For instance , in sports, every athlete tries to become a better participant than other who will be better than them. “Individualistic Americans naturally see themselves to be in competition with others” (Althen 7).

Competition brings the best person for American society and it is beneficial mainly because America will have better players and competitors compare to additional countries exactly where they don’t have competitions. Privacy is beneficial to American society in American lifestyle because everybody need a chance to recover their very own psychological energy that was spent. As well, not having an individual time as you spent your time and energy by yourself is tending to known as a weak person or based mostly. “‘need a while to themselves’ or ‘some time alone’ to think about issues or restore their spent psychological energy” (Althen 8).

Having a period alone is very important and helpful because people generally need a time for you to think on their own and having someone following to you on a regular basis won’t obtain you a completely independent strength where you need to do some thing by your own.

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Category: Tradition,

Topic: American culture, American society, Cultures, Essay, Ethics,

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