Cosmopolitan Magazine, Respect, Romantic Period, Celebrity

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Research from Term Paper:

“One of the very most frequently noticed weaknesses in his work is definitely its interpretation of women. It is observed, for example , that the central male heroes of his novels usually be about his individual age during the time of writing, whilst their feminine counterparts happen to be progressively more youthful, more gorgeous, and more ridiculously compliant toward their men” (Kennedy and Gioia, 2000).

Even though his work is certainly one the most impacting on factors in American books and traditions but his personality continued to be a question indicate and way to obtain debate for many who argued that his persona was critically flawed. His psychological or mental problems and delusions also affected his composing in his previous days when he got hospitalized many times just before his suicide. Many consider him a disturbed person with unlikable personality traits including vanity, rudeness towards these he despised, delusions and so forth


In the end Ernest Tolstoy despite his own flaws and criticism, comes across as an accomplished writer. His classic books and testimonies done in the setting of Warfare secured him a Nobel Prize. His descriptive and characterization in the novels had been original and imaginative. His originality was his biggest achievement that gave him his unusual individual type of writing that may be profound and influences various to this day.


Dupuis, K. (2000). On The Altar of the Goddess: Ernest Hemingway plus the Cult in the “Celebrity Specialist. ” Retrieved on October 29, 2005 at

Hemingway, Ernest’. (n. d). Retrieved on October up to 29, 2005 for

Influence of Realistic look on Literature’.

Retrieved in October 30, 2005 by http://www.*****/English/93.htm

Kennedy, J. Godimento, D. (2000) An Introduction to Fiction. Seventh Edition. Addison Wesley Longman. A label of Pearson Education Retrieved on October 29, 2005 at

Nagel, J. (1999). Ernest Tolstoy: A C Assessment. Gathered on Oct 29, 2006 at

Oliver, C. (1999). Tolstoy and Showmanship. Retrieved about October 30, 2005 in

Tripodi, J. Major, J. (n. d). The Lost Era. Retrieved upon October up to 29, 2005 for

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