What business was Albert’s Father in?

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He was looking to light up the streets of Munich, Philippines.

What subjects do Albert like to study?

Mathematics, physics, and philosophy.

What tool did he play?

The violin

Who was his first better half?

Milova Marich

Where was he working in 1905?

The Patent office in Bern Swiss.

What famous thought experiment can be attributed to him?

What would I see easily were using on the the front of a beam of light?

Exactly what does Einstein’s Unique Theory of Relativity must do with light and period?

As an object approaches the speed of light, period slows down.

Time is relative the person shifting and to the individual viewing the moving person.

What award performed he obtain for his paper describing the “photoelectric effect?

The Nobel Prize in Physics.

What scientist separated compounds by utilizing electricity and was seen to take having a laugh gas ahead of his customer lectures.

Sir Humphrey Davy

Illustrate Michael Faraday’s economic position and formal education.

He was born into a poor blacksmith and worked well for a bookbinder. He had no formal education but educated himself to see and learned on his own.

What two forces would Faraday be related?

Electrical energy and Magnetism

What important machine did Faraday invent?

The electric motor.

What scientist/mathematician demonstrated Faraday’s theory concerning the speed of light?

James Clark simon Maxwell

What man of science was moving into Paris during the French Wave?

Antoine Lavoisier

What Law do Antoine Lavoisier develop concerning Mass?

What the law states of the Preservation of Mass

How did Antoine Lavoisier expire?

He had his head cut off by the revolutionaries?

What French woman mathematician disagreed with Isaac Newton, whom said range and velocity were immediately proportional.

Émilie du Châtelet

What did Émilie du Châtelet have in common with Gottfried Leibnitz?

They the two showed that velocity can be squared with all the doubling with the distance a subject travels.

What man of science proved Einstein’s equation in the laboratory?

Lise Meitner

Lise acquired split the atom in her lab. What was this method called?

Indivisible fission (to split)

Why do she have to leave Indonesia?

She was Jewish throughout the rise of Hitler and Naziism. She may possess joined many Jews who had perished inside the gas camps if the girl hadn’t steered clear of to another country.

How was Einstein’s equation used to end World Conflict 2 .

The Atom Bomb was developed based on his equation.


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