Rodolpho suggests that having been only amazed when smacked by Eddie and not physically hurt. He’s obviously concealing his the case feelings, he’s only getting polite to Eddie as they is staying in his house. He might as well not want to cause rubbing between Eddie and Beatrice.  Catherines behaviour suggests to us that she is in love with Rodolpho and is getting tired of Eddies amount of resistance towards their relationship. Additionally Beatrice appears to be trying to break the tension from this scene, the moment she tries to restrain Eddie in the sparring match with Rodolpho, she warns him thats enough. One more example of Eddie attacking Rodolpho, is if he makes a cynical remark regarding Rodolphos untypical male abilities such as vocal singing and cooking food as Well the good, this individual could always make a living.

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The play is defined in the living room of Eddie and Beatrices apartment. The level directions declare the main acting area is the living-room-dining-room of Eddies apartment and that it is just a workers level, clean, thinning and comfortable. This placing is important because it gives the reader/audience an idea of where the actions is happening.  Other stage directions show us that Miller is intending to create remarkable tension. Rodolpho dances with Catherine right in front of Eddie to aggravate him. Because Eddie scrunches his newspapers up in disgust the audience can smell the friction between your two surrounding this time.

Miller desires the audience to think that Marco is dedicated and protecting of his family. This can be evident when he steps in to end the training match between Eddie and Rodolpho following his brother is punched The role in the family is one of the main topics being addressed. This is particularly noticeable when we see Eddie and Beatrice taking care of their niece Catherine in whose mother passed away when she was a baby.

Love is likewise an important topic in this landscape because of the love triangle involving Catherine and Rodolpho whom are in love with each other. Furthermore Eddie who is secretly in loves with Catherine. This really is evident moreover Eddie inhibits Catherine coming from having interactions with men.  The role of women and men in this scene can be linked to the traditional functions of the people at the time. The play was set once men had been expected to head out and make money for the family while women remained at home as housewives.  All of the elements I have over make this landscape dramatically highly effective and tight. Miller may well have needed this as this would get the audience.  This scene is very important because the feud between Rodolpho, Marco and Eddie grows into a punition.

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