Two of the most qualified poets ever were William Wordsworth and John Keats, both poets wrote loving poetry. By poems like To Autumn by simply John Keats and The Preliminary (1) by William Wordsworth we can see that both well-known poets applied their poetry to describe their particular feelings plus the atmosphere of which around them.  As Wordsworth existed before Keats time he could be known to be the creator of the type of poems, yet Keats seems to be a rather better poet person and it is clear that he has centered his poetry from that of Wordsworth.

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In studying to autumn as well as the Prelude (1) I have discovered Steve Keats uses much better language than Wordsworth yet I do think that Wordsworth states his emotions and feelings very much clearer and much easier to appreciate.  Both poets use nature in the poems to help them communicate their thoughts especially John Keats who expresses him self triumphantly by using a more positive aspect of nature. In Wordsworths the prelude (1) a young youngster steals a tiny boat, on doing so he disembarks over a journey which will Wordsworth uses to symbolise the quest

between years as a child and adulthood.  From the beginning of the trip the youngster seems to be very sad and discontent as the use of the willow tree shows these mental feelings, as well as the doorway opens among childhood and adulthood which is symbolised by the unloosening of the chain this individual becomes confused and unsure if what he is carrying out is a step in the right way.  As the boy moved from the coast it suggests the great physical effort that was involved in the excitement, as he leaves the cave and slowly floats out into the core lake the whole atmosphere that the poet acquired built up starts to loosen and adjust with the use of nature.

Of Mountain Displays suggests the concept nature was taking place and the door to adulthood opened up for the boy, in doing so this give the boy a variety of choices, in contrast to childhood.  The mention of the celestial body overhead creates a extremely mysterious ambiance, it also gives a very mysterious quality towards the poem.  As the young man moves on, happy with his skill he sees the peak of a craggy ridge that is used to symbolise the dangers of adulthood, upon seeing this the son becomes restless, as he went heaving plonked the water just like a swan he panics, specially when he views a huge peak, black and large, the repetition of huge shows a feeling of breathlessness. The boy feels a feeling of fear and awe because hes confronted with the magnificence of mother nature.

The huge batch is growing still in visibility and the boy is deeply disturbed in what is happening. The boy feels that he’d rather be safely back in the covert of the willow tree This again stresses the great physical effort that was involved in the experience, this seems to make the boy feel very minor and suggests that the boy isnt looking forward to adulthood however and obviously the actual boy feel confused.

Bare Desertion is used to convey the poets frame of mind, the youngster is left deeply bewildered by his experience, this individual begins to have got trouble sleeping and is haunted by huge and mighty forms, the events have a long lasting impact on wordsworth and provides him with trouble to my dreams.  Keats poem Ode to Autumn offers three diverse stanzas in it, the first stanza appeals to the senses of sight and taste, the second to eyesight and smell and the third to the ability to hear sounds.

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