Diabetes, Weight Loss, Dialysis, Kidney Failing

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Excerpt coming from Essay:

Diabetes Principle

Concept Map: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus





Risk Elements:

Weight, Contest

Inactivity, Family history and ancestors

Fat syndication, Age


Execrise, Diet plan

Regular checkups


Glycated hemoglobin

(A1C) test

Arbitrary or going on a fast blood sugar test

Oral blood sugar tolerance check

Structural Changes:

Potential brain structure improvements

Myocardial destruction

Circulation alterations

Possible amputation

Pancreatic improvements

Signs and Symptoms:

Increased thrist, Regular

urination, Increased hunger

Weight loss, Fatigue, Blurred

vision, Repeated infections

Sores/slow healing, Darker skin


If neglected: Heart disease

Stroke, Kidney disease

Dialysis, Blindness



Blood sugar monitoring, Exercise

Healthful eating habits

Likely medications / insulin therapy

Functional Chnages:

Chnages to kidney function, Changes to pancreatic function

Pancreatic Changes

There are a few pancreatic alterations that have been linked to the onset of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, particularly the progressive failing of pancreatic beta-cells evidently as a response to insulin resistance and leading to under-production and a loss of pancreatic function (Feinglos Bethel, 2008; Serrano, 2009). Diabetes mellitus type 2 Mellitus may have a circular effect on the pancreatic; though it truly is typically a structural and/or functional wreckage in the pancreatic that delivers on Type 2 (as well because Type 1) Diabetes Mellitus, the start of the condition can lead to further degradation of pancreatic composition and function within a circular style that will boost insulin amount of resistance and reduce insulin production by simply breaking down the cascading circuit of insulin production and consumption that occurs in the healthy body (Fineglos Bethel, 08; Levene Donnelly, 2011). The availability of glucagon, another junk that, put simply, counters the consequences of insulin and has other effects figure by pushing stored sugar into the blood stream and raising blood sugar levels, handling some of the issues that can occur in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as the insulin is usually both opposed in the human body’s cells and since production diminishes in the pancreatic (Leven Donnelly, 2011). This may not be something that happens in all situations of Diabetes mellitus type 2 Mellitus, and congenital pancreatic degradation is practically always a causal element of Type one particular Diabetes Mellitus, but pancreatic damage can happen as the consequence of complications of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus when it remains untreated or is diagnosed too late (Fineglos Bethel, 2008; Serrano, 2009; Levene Donnelly, 2011).

The pancreatic beta-cells that are directly involved in the creation of insulin are located in the Islets of Langerhans, in a specific part of the pancreas which could suffer from severe structural destruction and change during Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as well as in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus; because this strength change happens it even more degrades the functional capacities of the pancreatic

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Category: Health,

Topic: Blood sugar, Diabetes mellitus, Mellitus type, Type diabetes,

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