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There are many things malfunctioning with the criminal justice system. The the courtroom systems usually wrongfully convict, as well as work with racism like a motivator to have the death penalty. Also, the simple fact that cops and attorneys rarely get punished intended for wrong stroke and, to be honest, unfair. I do not specifically like the legal justice program, it has way too many flaws and nowadays it can be all about money, “The Ol’ Mighty Dollar”. The way I find myself about it is, it should be regarding the people, what is best and what is proper.

A single reason I really do not like the criminal proper rights is because of how they go about recharging and convicting drug addicts. Addicts should not just be convicted to get drug abuse as they are not going to stop abusing all of them. It will be a reoccurring procedure for them shifting in and out of prison to get drug abuse. “One-half of Federal and state prisoners maltreatment or are hooked on drugs, yet relatively handful of receive treatment while incarcerated. ” (“National Institute upon Drug Abuse: Technology of Drug Abuse” 1) I personally believe rehabilitation centers should be placed into prisons. My answer is that since while the medication abusers are incarcerated they can be treated because of their addictions. “Various studies have demostrated that combining prison-and community-based treatment pertaining to addicted offenders reduces the chance of both recidivism to drug-related criminal tendencies and relapse to drug use-which, in return, nets large savings in societal costs. ” (“National Institute about Drug Abuse: The Science of Medication Abuse” 1) Along with rehabilitation centers being include in the prisons, there should be all over security and monitoring of prisoners, whilst they are presently there and in their very own prison cells, to insure that they are receiving the help they require. “Treatment and criminal rights personnel come together on treatment planning- which includes implementation of screening, positioning testing, monitoring, and supervision- as well as on the systemic use of sanctions and rewards. Treatment for incarcerated drug abusers should include continuous car, monitoring and guidance after incarceration and during losung. ” (“National Institute in Drug Abuse: The Science of Drug Abuse” 2)

I do not necessarily agree with the death penalty. By sentencing a felony to the death penalty, it would appear that the prisoner is receiving the easy way out of the scenario, instead of the need to spend the rest of their life rotting in a prison cell. Although, the majority of people on loss of life row, numerous call the death penalty, have killed someone, and in my opinion it can be unjust to take someone’s life, no matter what they have done. There is also the possibility of giving an innocent person the death penalty. In addition to that, just about everyone in death row or who’ve been killed on death line are of the minority group. “The U. S. Office of Justice’s own numbers reveal that between 2001 and 06\, 48 percent of defendants, in government cases, where the death fees was searched for were Photography equipment American¦the biggest argument up against the death fees is that, can it be handed out in biased, racially disparate fashion. ” (“Death Penalty” 3)

As I acquired older, We realized that the minorities were and still are treated totally different to what would be the norm whites. Whenever you see reported offences on the news, lady a person of a fraction. “Despite that fact that white wines engage in drug offences at a higher rate than African Us citizens, African Americans are incarcerated for medication offences at a rate that is ten-times greater than that is of white wines. ” (“Race and the Felony Justice System” 1) All over the United States, ethnicity profiling had been a very serious problem. Stop and frisk procedures have primarily been used against persons of different community groups. There is a case 5 years ago called Morrow vs . Tenaha, it was about racial profiling. “Under guise of looking for legal activity, the authorities in Tenaha, Texas stopped, searched, and sometimes seized correctly from Blacks and Latinos traveling through town with no suspicion of criminal activity. ” ((“Race and the Lawbreaker Justice System” 3) The majority of police officers kill people without a reason. The state they have a purpose, but it works out they seriously lied and had no reason at all. “In the early hours of January. 1, 2009, Oscar Grant III, disarmed and laying face down on a subway platform in Oakland, Calif., was shot in the backside by a white-colored Bay Location Rapid Transit police officer. ” (“The New york city Times”)

Police officers often benefit from the authority they own. On the several occasions that law enforcement participants in illegal activity, they will easily go away with it by simply lying. “Mehserle, who claimed that he meant to reach for his taser rather than his gun, was ultimately convicted of involuntary manslaughter¦The officer was sentenced to two years without time currently served, lower than the maximum conceivable sentence. inches (“How Exact is Fruitvale Station” 4) Another model is cops being able to draw citizens as well as give them entry pass just for them to meet their particular quotas. About several accounts, officers blend p unnecessary confrontations by simply over-using their very own “power”.

Though there are numerous flaws throughout our felony justice program, there are tactics that can be used to correct it. For instance , separating chaotic and nonviolent prisoners’ immediately, would decrease the amount of people that act out violently. “Most nonviolent offenders do in fact learn a lesson: tips on how to be violent. We could select certain facilities as zero-violence areas and allow inmates to have there provided that they do not commit-or even warned to commit- a single chaotic act. ” (“Seven Methods to Fix the Criminal Justice System” 3) In order for an inmate to learn their lessons, we have to forgive and forget, so that they can figure out how to do better in the foreseeable future situations. “I am certainly not advocating we open the prison gates and let every person out. In fact , I feel that there are many types of behavior that may cause a person to produce his/her directly to stay in free of charge society. Nevertheless we need to operate intensively with individuals who break the law. inch (“Seven Methods to Fix the Criminal Justice System” 4) I believe everyone must step up and change their particular actions mainly because we are all contributors to the concerns of the lawbreaker justice program. “We need to realize that we could a part of this matter. If you have your vote, if you pay taxes, if you are afraid to walk exclusively at night, you are already engaged and so most of us must make genuine changes- not just political types, but also in our personal attitudes and lifestyles. ” (“Seven Approaches to Fix the Criminal Rights System” 5)

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Category: Law,

Topic: Criminal justice, Criminal justice system, Death penalty, Drug abuse, Justice system,

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