Pcs are the necessary part of modern life of today. It is really true. It is very difficult to imagine the life devoid of modern devices and especially with out computers.

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The most important thing it is naturally Internet. It’s the ocean details. Information about almost all spheres of life, scientific, cultural, politics etc . Net is very important for all of us students. Is it doesn’t source of information for arrangement, reports, control papers. Sometimes our teachers want us to do it ourselves but all of us used to do it with the help of personal computers and canR17; t envision ourselves visiting the libraries as our mother or father did.

Computers can help to find people who seemed to be lost forever. The case can be these kinds of web sites while Odnoklassniki. ru and VcontacteR30; My mum found her classmates that finished the school 20 years back and her friends coming from OdessaUniversity. As for me I actually spend my spare in time in connections, speaking with close friends not only by Odessa however for example from Canada. Likewise I know that if my personal dads would like to know something about drugs they also make use of Internet and various web sites. Several studying programs are also beneficial; I like to work with wwww.freetranslation.com to make my goedkoop easier and faster.

But of course there is an additional side of medal. Internet takes more time that many individuals can allow. It can be sometimes change books, theatres and alive communication. All of us begin to forget that it is more better to contact our friends with online function but to proceed together to have fun, or perhaps may be it is better to read interesting book then playing computer games where persons kill each other on quite high speed.

Of course our 21 century is the century of technical progress. We canR17; t live as our grandma and grandpa, but we had to consider that everything must have the logical boarders and never personal computers, modern gadgets, Internet; game titles can change people, their very own relations, take pleasure in, friendship and real life.

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Category: Story,

Topic: Daily, Part, Personal computers,

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