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Also, most are unprepared to complete duties unique to community college or university such as teaching diverse college students. Those faculty members in rural areas not only need to deal with those problems, but as well sometimes have difficulty adjusting to living and working in a rural area. Among those having difficulty, workload and students’ abilities were cited as common discontentment in the operate; however , the majority of community college or university instructors have a high level of satisfaction within their jobs, which can be usually caused by simply working together with students.

How Community Educational institutions Understand the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning” talks about community colleges’ focus on instructing as their primary goal, rather than research and scholarship, which is generally the primary focus of educational institutions. The American Association of Higher Education (AAHE) Carnegie Instructing Academy provides suggested that community colleges focus on the scholarship of teaching and learning. Community universities that transform their concentrate from educating as their major goal to promoting the scholarship of teaching and learning are able to work with inquiry and experimentation to improve teaching and learning.

Distance Learning in Community Colleges: Leadership Challenges pertaining to Change and Development” talk about the challenges community school faculty users face since technology and distance education programs are utilized. To help teachers face these kinds of challenges, community college frontrunners should offer professional development programs in this article the Kouzes and Posner leadership unit. The Kouzes and Posner leadership style consists of the subsequent leadership concepts: “challenging the procedure, ” “inspiring a distributed vision, ” “enabling other folks to act, inches “modeling just how, ” “and encouraging the heart. inch

Making the Most of Community Colleges while travelling Ahead” talks about several current trends in community colleges. These tendencies indicate that the is a time for change in education. In order for community colleges to keep to be successful inside their role in higher education, community college commanders need to plan for and cope with these tendencies.


Boggs, G. Ur. (2004). Community colleges within a perfect surprise. Change, 36(6), 6-11.

Evelyn, J. (2004). State investing in community educational institutions is up, yet so is tuition, survey finds. Explain of Higher Education, 51(11), twenty-four.

Fields, C. (2004). Worrying times intended for community colleges. Change, 36(6), 4-5.

Floyd, D. T. (2003). Distance learning in community colleges: management challenges for change and development. Community College Diary of Research Practice, 27(4), 337-347.

Lum, L. (2004). Not your father’s community college. Dark-colored Issues in Higher Education, 21(9), 54-58.

Milliron, M. D., de los Santos, G. E. (2004). Taking advantage of community universities on the road forward. Community College or university Journal of Research Practice, 28(2), 105-122.

Milliron, M. D., Pat, C. (2004). No need to create them: community colleges and their place in the education landscape. Modify, 36(6), 52-58.

Murray, M. P., Cunningham, S. (2004). New countryside community university faculty users and job satisfaction. Community College Assessment, 32(2), 19-38.

Romero, M. (2004). That will lead each of our community educational institutions? Change, 36(6), 30-34.

Sperling, C. M. (2003). How community colleges understand the

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