Harmony and the co-existence of mutli-faceted elements will be the two important ingredients of any society which attempts sustainable long life. In a pluralistic society the question of enlightening existence of its distinct structural devices becomes much more pertinent. An analogy may be observed with the human body in which the different efficient systems operate unison to make a perfect accordance.

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Like in our body where, diverse organs incorporate to form organ systems, within a human society smaller populace groups combine to form socio-cultural entities depending on particular types of recognition. Unlike their biological equivalent this process of identification is not medical and completely rational. The identification and then human beings is determined by ceratin social mores and socio-cultural recommendations which may differ from race, shade, creed, male or female, class and so forth to faith, region and nationality. This process is sometimes a skewed one as throughout it a specific social collection more than often identifies comparatively with respect to various other grouping and in turn of harmonising itself with other groupings distinguishes with them.

In case of India, the scenario is not only a peculiar one but is usually intertwined having its socio-political realities. We reside in a highly diversified pluralistic culture wherein the quantity of cultural components outscore the structural ethos provided by almost any government. The several communities in India classify themselves according to different criteria which usually differ temporally as well as contextually. The category process is really well differentiatied that many in the times, people originally owned by a particular group start associating themselves with completely different groups in different contexts e. g. people owned by a particular peuple group might associate differently with each other on the basis of economic school or educational standards.

The concept of cultural identity is at the core of the Indian contemporary society. The famous formation of Indian culture provides all of us with an idea of the multi-faceted variety and non-inclusive cultural developments. Social great India describes how several indigenous and also foreign factors reacted and intermingled in an undefined manner to produce modern cultural characteristics for the people to identify with.

Religion, dialect, ideology etc . have, occasionally, given different channels for cultural identification. The communal formation of Indian culture is to be observed in not a filter way. Though religion offers the most simple method of communal id in India, we must remeber that the concept of community can be central to process of communalization

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Category: Lifestyle,

Topic: Cultural, Cultural identity, Question,

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