six. Advantages OfCommercialization:? Commercialization of Health care canmake health features more accessible.? It could improve service quality.? Commercialization excellent because ofgood infrastructure, revise technology, better nursing features, qualifieddoctors etc . 7. Advantages OfCommercialization:?

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It will improve our health and wellness services.? Recognition.? Quickness in treatment.? Family members care.? Regulations.? Easily data available. eight. Disadvantages OfCommercialization:? Poverty? Expensive cost? Exploitation? Monopoly Market? Advantage for wealthy people, and curse forpoor people. being unfaithful. What Commercialization willbring? Commercialization words on its own showsthe incapability or incompetence of ourGovernment. So what it is going to bring can be, the mostimportant and ist auch point is the fact It willremove our government’s inabilityand inefficiencies 10. What Commercialization willbring? Better overall health services? Better Infrastructure? Fast health solutions? New Technology? Being on time? Discipline? Advancement? Qualified and Dedicated staff. 11.

Commercialization words itselfshows the inability orincompetence of ourGovernmentSo what it brings is, the mostimportant stage is that It willremove our government’sinability and incompetence. doze. What Authorities can carry out in order toprevent exploitation of poor people? Relationship with hostipal wards? Strict rules? Subsidies to poor people?

Health Insurance of poor people? Control over problem? Structure improvement by connect upwith private hospitals. 13. A lot of moral values thathospitals must keep in mind:?

Deal with Patients with humanity.? Treatment patients with love, attention & +vebehavior.? They should can provide emotional supportto patient’s family.?

Their motive must be welfare of peoplenot the profit oriented.? Obole for poor people.? Partiality should be avoided.? Hospitalization is a services and notbusiness. 14.

Bottom line: I conclude that industrial of overall health is necessarybut it should be taken into account that we almost all want to have. Minimum, keeping all the treatment within the rangeof middle-lower course highly commercialization isrequired for the best health of the nation becauseHEALTH IS THE MOST VALUABLE than everythingin life. Therefore , if every above factors should be considered i. electronic. range of middle-lower class etc ., then the things i feel isthat commercialization will probably be good for all of us as well asfor our Country.

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