Same Sex Relationship, Marriage, Rhetorical Analysis, Divorce And Kids

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Interestingly, Warren argues against cohabitation as a result of “conditional determination of live-in relationships. ” However , many individuals prefer the conditions of mélange to the limitations of a relationship that stifles individual liberty and independence. For same-sex couples, cohabitation is the just option in all of the but a few states. Social stability in Warren’s point-of-view is linked to the systematic oppression of women and homosexuals.

The way Warren expresses statistics in “The Mélange Epidemic” is spurious. For example, Warren fails to acknowledge the sociological improvements that have resulted in the developing rates of cohabitation plus the reduced rates of relationship. Warren will not refer to divorce statistics, and Warren does not treat mélange as a finish in itself although only as a method to the end of marriage. Marriage and cohabitation are two several but related conditions. Relationship is a traditional social deal, whereas mélange is a way of life choice. Nor is morally superior to the other, and both offer potential benefits. Promoting matrimony may not bring about more successful interactions, only more traditional ones. “In the end, the evidence suggests that some great benefits of marriage promo would be little, ” (Cherlin).

Warren also assumes that cohabitation before marriage is the only changing correlated with divorce. Cohabitation might be correlated with divorce but additional variables such as level of education, religious beliefs, and other factors may be associated with the divorce rates. Depending on Warren’s prejudiced assumptions and questionable presentation of statistical data, cohabitation is not an epidemic at all but rather, a reflection of changing interpersonal values and norms.


Cherlin, A. Contexts. Cited in “The Experts Speak. ” Alternatives to Relationship Project. 2003. Retrieved Apr 26, 2009 from

Pinsof, W. Family Process 1(2). 2002. Cited in “The Authorities Speak. inch Alternatives to Marriage Job. Retrieved 04 26, 2009 from

Seltzer, J. “Families Formed Outside of Marital life, ” Record of Marital life and the Family members. Cited in “the Specialists Speak. inch Alternatives to Marriage Task. Retrieved 04 26, 2009 from

“The Determinants of Marital life and Cohabitation Among Deprived Americans: Research Findings and Needs. ” Marital life and Family Formation Data Analysis Job, March 2003. Cited in “the Authorities Speak. inch Alternatives to Marriage Project. Retrieved The spring 26, 2009 from

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