Elisabeth Panttaja states the fact that mother position in all the Cinderella’s has a large effect on the fairytales. In the article, Panttaja analyzes the Cinderella misconception from the Grimms brothers’ point of view, along with other Cinderella myths. 1 topic Panttaja mentions is usually, “Indeed, Cinderella’s mother’s function is not even close to marginal: the words and actions of Cinderella’s mother will be of vital importance.

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Panttaja suggests that although Cinderella’s mom is not a main figure in the account, she is the reason Cinderella truly does end up possessing a happy finishing.

This portion is overlooked when reading fairytales; Cinderella’s mother may be the whole reason she has to hold striving to own happy finishing. Even though Cinderella’s mother seems to die inside the Grimms’ type of Cinderella, her nature lives on pertaining to the forest, and the two birds. Since Panttaja says, “But luxury? really motherless?

Not really, since the twig that she plants on her mother’s grave grows into a woods that takes care of her, as her mom promised to do.

Throughout the tale the mother guides Cinderella by coming out in different kinds of life and magically producing Cinderella appearance beautiful intended for the ball. Cinderella uses this with her advantage, for instance , when the two pigeons pluck out the nasty stepsister’s eye in the end with the story. “The happy finishing proves it is the mom, after all, who have been the power of the story (Panttaja).

This kind of quote demonstrates that Cinderella’s mom guided her throughout the story without actually being surviving in person. Afterwards in Panttaja’s article, she explains that Cinderella’s stepmother and her real mother are much as well. “These two women talk about the same devotion to their children and the same long-term desired goals: each mother wants to assure a future of power and prestige on her behalf daughter, and each is willing to resort to intense measures to obtain her aim (Panttaja). Panttaja suggests that the 2 mothers happen to be competing to marry away their children and provide these a happy closing.

In the end, Cinderella’s mother is the winner because Cinderella marries the prince who may be noble. An additional key point that Panttaja summarizes about is the fact that that the fairytales make us think that Cinderella loves the prince, in reality the readings never seem to mention anything about appreciate. “The knight in shining armor marries Cinderella because he can be enchanted¦ by the sight of her in her magical clothes (Panttaja). The prince never seems to care about the love from Cinderella, just that she’s beautiful inside the dress that her mom made like magic , appear.

Overall, Panttaja says everything dates back to the ethical of the magical mothers powers. In the end, Panttaja explains how the Cinderella musical legacy goes on to display how bros compete to get better than the other person, and Cinderella shows this in the “most extreme form (Panttaja). Panttaja also procedes explain how Cinderella is usually not the girl everyone usually imagines.


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