Shifting the quantity of discretion within our justice program could be to get better or worse, yet why correct something that’s not broken? Although most law enforcement officers use discernment, “Many police officers (and complete departments) choose to focus on the justice facets of police function: getting offenders off the roadways, responding to emergencies, scoring big drug busts, and generally ‘catching the bad fellas. ‘ (Fuller, J. 3rd there’s r. Pg. 6th. ) No matter how much discernment you give an officer, really ultimately their choice to use it.

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Although it is usual throughout the felony justice system, some respected figures don’t use discretion in such a way to guide punishments; they stay in accordance with established recommendations. In my opinion, with respect to the severity in the crime discernment should or should not be employed. For example , discretion should be employed for a first time arrest for boosting but ought not to be used for the first offender of rape. “The police are generally the initially contact that young victims and delinquents have together with the juvenile rights system.

As with adults, law enforcement serves as the gatekeeper to the proper rights system.  (Fuller, T.

R. Pg 17. ) It is extremely important for a officer to make the decision of introducing a juvenile towards the justice program. The responsibility pertaining to authorities to use discretion is essential for a juvenile’s future. With adults, less discretion could be used since they have a greater sense of morals. In today’s society I have personally seen adults expect leniency because, for example , there is a police business bumper tag. Enforcing what the law states for adults who have are chronic offenders is important to maintain order. Anybody can only push society plus the law until now; at some point you must face the outcomes.

As we talked about in class, the 3-strike regulation is a fair method of choosing who must be held accountable. “Three key studies were commissioned to measure police practices in detail and update the 1931 Wickersham commission statement (National Commission on Legislation Observance and Enforcement, 1971). These include the report of the President’s Commission rate on Law Enforcement and Government of Rights (1967) eligible The Challenge of Crime within a Free Culture (1967), a report of the National Advisory Commission rate on Municipal Disorders (1968), and a study of the Countrywide Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals (1973).

These commissions was obviously a major undertaking by a large number of scholars and practitioners whom focused on solving some of the problems in the two policing plus the criminal justice system overall. The percentage reports contain multiple plans to tighten the controls over authorities discretion, including the use and abuse of force.  (Alpert, Dunham. Pg. 14. ) If for good or perhaps bad; laws and regulations shape citizen’s views of beliefs, actions and character.

Unfortunately not all systems of morality and discretion are being used properly. Discernment should be used in moderation and also to preserve purchase in culture, not found in excessive sums to threaten the law’s purpose. In conclusion, I feel discretion is a necessity. With our overloaded jails, law enforcement officials and judges need to work with their schooling, insight and experience to keep the public safe from individuals that have no regard to get the law. Bibliography * Alpert, Geoffrey P.; Dunham, Roger G¦

Understanding Police Utilization of Force: Officers, Suspects, and Reciprocity. Western world Nyack, BIG APPLE, USA: Cambridge University Press, 2004. p 11. * Hagan, F. (2011). Ch 1 . Essentials of Analysis Methods in Criminal Rights and Criminology (pp. 1-45). New York, New York: Prentice Hall, 3rd Model. * Bigger, J. L. (2008). Juvenile Delinquency ” Mainstream and Crosscurrents. New York, New York: Prentice Hall, very first edition. * Owen, S. S. (2012). Foundations of criminal rights. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


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