Normal Disasters, Drug Trafficking, Poverty In America, Canadian

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The region has one of the biggest international financial obligations in the world. Even more, the country struggles to pay this kind of debt.

Provided the financial and cultural conditions in Haiti, the workforce in the region is highly unskilled, making it even more difficult for a organization or govt to make successful investments right here.

The organic disasters that happen right here must also be taken into consideration. Even if something is built here, you will discover significant possibilities to be ruined in an earthquake like the the latest one that shook the country, or by recurrent tropical storms affecting the location.

Social dangers are inherent given the circumstances. The majority of the human population is living below the poverty line, there are frequent riots because of the substantial prices of food and lack of formal jobs.

The political situation can also be regarded as a risk (BBC, 2010).

Also, road riots as well as the country’s participation in prescription drugs traffic lead to increased violence, which can be regarded an important risk. This is why the country is scored D, while the business climate is also rated D (Coface, 2009).


Although the nation presents large economic, cultural, and personal risks, the latest situation in Haiti can be considered an opportunity for the Canadian government. The damages manufactured by the earthquake can signify an opportunity pertaining to rebuilding the entire infrastructure that was already ruined and for assisting the country take advantage of its monetary potential. The U. S i9000. economic engagement in Haiti was incredibly successful, assisting the country boosts its clothes sector. The country’s exports have substantially increased on those grounds.


The present situation in Haiti may very well be an opportunity that the Canadian authorities can exploit. The U. S. economical implication in the region has proven to be successful. Nevertheless , the risks are very high, the natural devastation risks staying the most important, because of the significant damage that may develop.

In case the Canadian federal government manages to build something here, there is no guarantee that a hurricane will not impact the investment, scenario that has recently occurred. Likewise, the physical violence and the political instability in the region are important road blocks that must be taken into account.

Reference list:

1 . Iranzo, S. (2008). Delving into Country Risk. The lender of Spain. Retrieved January 22, 2010 from

2 . Haiti (2009). Central Intelligence Firm. The World Factbook. Retrieved January 22, 2010 from

3. Cordoba, J. Luchnow, D. (2010). Fierce Earthquake Rocks Haiti. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved January 22, 2010 coming from

5. Country Risk Assessment (2009). COFACE. Gathered January twenty two, 2010 from

your five. Country Profile: Haiti (2010). BBC Information. Retrieved First month of the year 2010 from

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