Black Diamond Night (a coalminer’s cemetery) Where the afro, we phone “Night”, Aged black dirt sit beneath the twilight. Diamond shape eyes unclear and lonely, Scary through hostile spirits only, I bumble across these kinds of stones with no bone.

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A solitary confinement only, From a barren region the light transcend. Only with time, our brains will repair. Endless valleys and limitless stones. These bones- these types of bones they will sit exclusively. The abyss, of spoiled cavities without having fill, A system no electricity can unwell the exercise The blood that passed above without a spill.

Peaks failure into a spellbinding chill. They may be trapped! They are really trapped! Another diamond in the rough. Is actually they still left. Obsessed by the dead with no death. Loss of life that impatiently awaited their last breath of air. Gushing, on to the gemstones of deceased chemistry, Diamonds holding its own intensity, These types of lonely tragique, on top of sycamore hill. Fossil fuel mining minds that will never heal. If perhaps shiny eyes could observe? These lonely bones inside of me! Relocating every way possible Going in every course noticeable. Sockets without eye. Stones concealing under the co (symbol) skies. The mad sparkles, the craziness dies. Through this mass, we held in the blasphemous. Intervening a lot of gems and so miraculous.

Into a stone of self-religion, A black night filled of legions. Recognizing the souls capacity of totally free. Near the frail bones that sit by itself, Alone that they sit within a morbid residence.

Through a way unclear and everything alone, Troubled by the visions of my own stone. The place that the night takes place in the dark. The ebony trips under the precious stone bark. Combined with the coalminers who never got to see the; “Diamonds of a later date! ”

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