Attachment theory describes the characteristics of long term relationships between humans.

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It is most important tenet is that a child needs to build a relationship with at least one principal caregiver for social and emotional development to occur normally. Attachment theory explains simply how much the parents’ relationship with all the child impact on development. Add-on theory is usually an interdisciplinary study encompassing the fields of psychological, major, and ethological theory.

Right after World War II, homeless and orphaned children provided many issues,[1] and doctor and psychoanalyst John Bowlby was asked by the ALGUN to write a pamphlet on the issue which will he entitled maternal deprivation. Attachment theory grew out of his subsequent work on the issues elevated. Infants turn into attached to individuals who are sensitive and responsive in social connections with all of them, and whom remain while consistent caregivers for some weeks during the period from about six months to 2 years of age, this is certainly known as very sensitive responsiveness. For the infant begins to crawl and walk they start to use add-on figures (familiar people) as being a secure basic to explore from and go back to.

Caregivers’ responses lead to the development of patterns of attachment; these, in turn, bring about internal working models that can guide the individual’s perceptions, feelings, thoughts and expectations in later associations.[2] Separation anxiousness or sadness following the lack of an add-on figure is considered a normal and adaptive response for an attached infant. These behaviors may include evolved because they raise the probability of survival in the child.

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Topic: Attachment theory, Essay, Theory,

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