Andy Warhol (1928-1987) of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, fewer commonly known as Toby Warhola, was obviously a central figure in the put art category. He is a north american artist whom reigned around the globe as a painter, author, avant-garde filmmaker and as a community personage for his link with many persons of different areas of work and status.

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Warhol studied in Carnegie Institute of Technology (now known as the Carnegie Mellon University) to hone his artistry (www. artgallery. com, 2008). Warhol unify his works through the Keatonesque design which is aritistically and personally affectless. In the work h a Pop artist, conceptual aspects had been always there being a key factor.

His art was known for it is irony, in many of their sense. Campbell’s soup containers was most likely his most well-known work. The mundane photos he made were turned to the so-called sarcastic art through enlargement, hand-painting or silk-screening. He usually mentioned that the idea of his work is usually at the surface area of his work, obvious, apparent.

Various other attributes of his work had been slight color changes using ink locations (www. pbs. org, 2007). His function reveals modern-day art in such a way it issues some human desires that never ceases to include. He also made his film in which he was a major international celebrity and a appear artist.

His experiences numerous people helped bring him the ideas of what is modern day, and made certain no traces of the music artists can be recognized from his artwork.

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Category: Fine Art,

Topic: Andy Warhol, Contemporary, Essay, Work,

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