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In 2009 documentary, A Ladies Life, Rachel Simmons offers us a view into the challenges that teenage girls face daily. The 4 girls we all meet through the entire documentary confront issues with self-image, cyberbullying, avenue violence, and lack of educational opportunities. Throughout the documentary, we come across that Simmons believes in the resilience of these young girls. Your woman points out that teenage girls can be given hard situations, but with determination and courage, they can overcome anything at all. Throughout the building of her argument, her stance remains clear: complications such as self-image, cyberbullying, streets violence, and lack of educational opportunities have grown to be inescapable pertaining to young females in recent years.

The film begins with the story of Analuz. She is a preparing for her quinceanera, a cultural party of a women’s fifteenth birthday. Analuz goes shopping with her mother to get the perfect dress, but becomes disappointed and overwhelmed when she finds out that they usually do not carry her size in lots of of the dresses. Analuz’s mom reminds her of how gorgeous she is, although Analuz cannot help yet feel the pressure to fit in society’s meaning of beauty. Another girl all of us meet is usually Libby. Middle school was great for Libby, she was part of the popular group and she had many good friends. That is right up until one Saturday night once, without purpose, all of her best friends directed a very imply text to her. This text was then many texts from every of her so called best friends. This continued until Libby could not manage it any longer. She told her mom, and her mom decided your woman needed to associated with other father and mother aware of what their kids had been doing. The parents of the other young ladies had no clue what was happening over the teenage girls’ telephones. Libby’s closest friend was quick to feel dissapointed her actions and pardon. Libby likewise began to generate new, healthier friendships. Another teen, Karla, lived in a poor, dangerous part of Philadelphia. Karla’s once harmless group of close friends, who phone themselves “The Crew, ” gets into trouble when Karla’s cousin can be threatened and she and her close friends rush with her side to defend her. Threats quickly escalate into physical violence, ultimately seriously injuring a number of the girls. Last but not least, Sonia is a high schooler in New York preparing for college. Since she’s not within an area with good training systems, Sonia attends The Young Could Leadership Institution. Many of the girls that go to the school, which includes Sonia, are relying on scholarships to be able to go to college. However , Sonia concerns that she may not be entitled to scholarships since she experienced very lately obtained citizenship to the Usa. Due to her hard work and confidence, Sonia is acknowledged at most of the schools the lady applied to and offered sufficient scholarships, along with graduation as Valedictorian. Each women situations, when vastly distinct, convey the idea that young girls happen to be confident and resilient and can overcome anything.

Throughout the storytelling of each ladies situation, Simmons uses diathesis and solennité to build her argument. At the beginning of each account, we fulfill each girl and learn information about their scenarios. This makes a personal interconnection between visitors and each lady, whether visitors find themselves that may occur to a girl’s circumstance, or simply empathizing. This solennité, or mental appeal, grabs the attention of viewers and hooks them into the story. By giving visuals of the girls’ situations, Simmons makes an ethical charm. First, viewers see Analuz go shopping for any dress, simply to be told that they do not carry her size. We likewise see video clips that had been submitted to YouTube of Karla getting attacked on the street by one more group of girls. This provokes an emotional reaction in viewers mainly because we do not want to see young girls move through this and we naturally possess compassion to them.

A single main stage Simmons signifies in her argument is that the problems girls are going through are only conditions that girls handle. However , skin image, cyber lovato, street assault, and lack of educational opportunities are all conditions that young men may struggle with as well. The Cyberbullying Research Center conducted a survey last season and found that “boys may be insecure by cyber-bullies than ladies. ” (Bullying Statistics) Whilst girls are recognized for their occurrence on social media and the indicate things they will say, the threats designed to boys are usually more of a protection concern. Simmons also constitutes a point the particular problems are at the moment starting to turn into issues. Nevertheless , body image has been an issue for girls for many years. Beginning in the twenties, when women began to wear less clothes, they also began to feel even more pressure to get thin and beautiful. Rollins college identifies that time as such: “Body size and fat were discussed as a concentrate of the flapper tradition. Whereas before the 20s, a shapely determine was suitable, flapper tradition embodied thinking about being slim and lean. ” (The Roaring Twenties) Though with magazines, Television shows, and social media, this issue is becoming more and more obvious, it was continue to present in various other cultures.

In summary, I agree with Simmons why these struggles are real and relevant to get young females these days. Nevertheless , I disagree with her argument these issues happen to be new in this century and that they are only challenges encountered simply by girls. To convey her debate more strongly, Simmons must have included a woman of an older generation to evaluate how every issue is currently, compared to just how it used to be. It might have also been effective if the lady had evaluated a young male to see the distinctions between how these issues happen to be relevant to get boys as well. Though Simmons argument might have been better if the girl had not cherry wood picked who also she would interview, her display of each ladies story was informational and inspiring.

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Category: Health,

Topic: Best friends, Young girls,

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