President Aquino on Wednesday, July twenty two, 2013 delivered his next State from the Nation Talk about (SONA). Someone said that it was Pnoy’s longest SONA so far although has been congratulated less usually compared to last year. The Leader began his SONA by recalling how he started, almost four years back, a group of influencial people convinced him to perform in the 2010 presidential elections just the moment her mom died, promising him that although serious problems chase the country and assured him they would help him face the challenges completely, he were recalled.

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So , Presiedent Aquino began his journey, his hard journey.

The SONA covered a lot by pursuing what his government aims, inside the rest 50 % of his term to fulfill the promise of true man progress: increasing the number of enclosure beneficiaries, class shortage will be addressed by Department of Education inside the year, increasing rice self-sufficiency and coconut intercropping to boost agricultural progress, pass the Bangsamoro Standard Law in 2014 that will pave means for a Bangsamoro Government by 2016, Maintenance and conclusion at NAIA Terminal 3 and likewise.

In staying with this country for nearly 20 years, I use pondered that Filipinos only want and aim one particular goal which can be letting the Philippine economy rise up again and free from the debts and debts we had from your preceding govt. Filipinos simply aims to brush your messes and clutters that people had. I do think nobody would like to stain the name of your very own country once again because the only one that suffers happen to be us, the citizens on this country. And that we cannot ignore that everybody, meaning all the rich and poor with will be afflicted if the government will shift to its different way again. Since, Director Aquino secret the country now for nonetheless continuing his half term, I guess Filipinos/ all we must do can be support him and have hope. I know and all know that giving him burdens and troubles wouldn’t help everyone but only pull this country down.

Anyway, the President’s State in the Nation Address (SONA) Perhaps said a whole lot of great improvements intended for the country. We felt pleased because as I recalled about the previous govt ran simply by Miss Fastuosidad Macapagal Arroyo, I noticed that Pnoy’s government did make changes in the Philippine society by his platform “Matuwid na daan. Although I cannot say that it is just a lot although at least he would the Filipino econmy rise again and move in a little comparing while using previous management. The Leader said and cited a whole lot of ideas for the. I just desire that all of his plans will probably be chieved intended for still getting the rest of his half term in the throne.


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