The main theme of the movie can be construed as a significant revulsion of psychological behaviorism as manufactured by B. Farreneheit. Skinner and John Watson. Behaviorism states that actions are a continuous learning process strengthened by prize systems. In addition, it states that personality is nothing but a reflection of tendencies, since the second option defines the former. In the motion picture, there were a lot of attempts to reject thinking about behaviorism. Allow me to share as follows: 1) At some point inside the movie, Alex and his good friends attempted to employ “narcotic blended milk to be able to improve their “violence instinct;

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2) Alex intimate violence inside the movie was deliberate and out of consciousness.

It absolutely was the case once Alex wounded the “cat lady after having a sexual orgasm; 3) The moment Alex is at jail, this individual developed the so-called “Ludovico technique, a procedure for rehabilitating criminals. When the ressortchef (umgangssprachlich) of the interior requested the jail for potential prospects for the therapy, Alex self volunteered. During the treatment, he knowingly attempted to stop it simply by showing that the treatment previously cured him (in truth, he understood the weaknesses of the treatment); 4) And, after some psychological tests in the jail, he realized that he was never criminally repugnant.

He began to like Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Alex noticed that he does not have any aversion together with the music. In fact , he noticed that the treatment on its own never improved his behavioral outlook, because it was deliberate. The Ludovico technique is a method which uses operant health (which was implied inside the movie) (reinforcer). The purpose of the technique was going to put the “patient in a condition to which he/she has antipatia. In this way, the “patient could avoid such circumstance. A repeated application of the strategy to the same patient would consequently be beneficial.

The main persona though contains a means to strengthen his violent behavior (reinforcement). Alex understood the problems of his technique and constructed loopholes to prevent it. In this way, Alex became the primary reinforcer. He manipulated the patterns of his own tendencies by organized analysis of the consequences of his patterns. Moreover, Alex knew the fact that Ludovico approach would never change his activities precisely because he reinforced his own tendencies. Now, precisely what is the probability that Alex criminal patterns may take place again following reinforcement? The response lies for the concept of operant response.

Regarding Alex, the probability can be close to 1 ) Alex recognized that the technique would never change his behavior. In fact , this individual created the approach in order to “retain his habit. Moreover, for the reason that technique proved ineffective in Alex’s circumstance, then one might assume that Alex’s behavior did not really modify. His response to the technique was deliberate and orchestrated. It is also possible to say which the Ludovico approach failed to modify Alex’s habit because of faulty interval schedules. Interval agendas require a lowest period of time that has to pass among consecutive strong responses.

The interval will need to neither always be too short nor too long. In case the interval is definitely short, then a “patient could become entrenched with his/her tendencies (nothing is going to change). In the event the interval is usually long, then the “patient will be used to the technique (and as a result can possibly resist the technique). In the case of Alex, the period schedule is usually close to brief. It is possible that Alex could have been entrenched in his violent patterns because of the brief interval schedule. Reference A Clockwork Fruit. 1971. Directed by Stanley Kubrick.


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