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The phrase Witchcraft dates back many hundred of years and means literally

The craft with the wise. The reason is , the Witches of the outdated were the

wise ones of their community, knowledgeable in the art of healing, legal

matters and spiritual happiness. A Witch had to not merely be a spiritual

leader, yet also your doctor, lawyer, and psychologist from the village.

Today, people have reclaimed this word in their quest for Wiccan religious beliefs.

A With is a great initiate of Wicca, one who has gained the right to call

themselves Clergyman, or Priestess, through examine, self analysis, and

religious living. Wicca itself, is an attempt to re-create Euro

(mostly) Shamansistic Nature Religious beliefs, adapting it to fit the modern lives.

Witches happen to be worshippers with the Earth and it^s various cycles. We believe that

deity is found not merely outside to our realm, or perhaps plane of existence, nevertheless

that is found within every living thing and all that support it. Therefore

we attempt to live in tranquility with the Earth and each of it^s creatures.

Wiccan tend to involve themselves with ecological pursuits.

Wicca observe the holiday seasons of Questionnable Europe, Eight festivals spread evenly

about the tyre of the 12 months, at the quarters (equinox^s and solstices) and

the cross-quarters (midpoints between the equinox^s and solstices). That they

are called: Yuletide (Dec 21) Tmbolc (Feb2), Lady Working day (March 21), Beltaine (May

1), Midsummer (June 21), Lugnassed (Aug 1), Mabon (Sept 21), and Samhain

(Oct 31). Actual times vary a bit from year upon year, as they are structured

upon genuine celestial occasions. Many Wiccans also commemorate the Full Celestial body overhead, of

which we have 13 per year.

The basis for Wiccans moral perform is found in the statement An Ye Injury

None, Carry out What Thou Wilt. This is a mock archaic expression, suggesting that

any habit that harms non-e, is morally suitable. Harm is usually defined simply by

anything that takes away, or functions against an individual^s totally free will. It

is, of course , impossible to exist, or maybe cease to exist, with out causing

damage, so Wiccans look to match this because closely as it can be. A Wiccan

attempts to make choices based upon what will cause the least harm, and

showcase the greatest overall positive impact.

Wicca instructs self willpower, personal responsibility kinship with the

plant and its particular creatures, open-mindedness and the benefits of selection.

Wiccans will not proselytize, as we believe that every must find the path that

is right to them, and that every religions are very different paths for the same

facts. We pull our beliefs and methods from our own experiences, and

that of others, understanding that age does not the religion anymore

valid, not does political support, numbers of followers or material

holdings of it^s temple. Religion is a very personal thing, one which can

just be validated by experience of the individual. Wicca provides a

link for individuals who follow comparable paths to talk about their activities.

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