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Domination According to Weber and Marx

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Three types of domination or authority will be distinguished by Weber. Under is a exploration of each, as well as how they fit together with some in the theories simply by Marx.


Traditional power depends upon the perceived “sanctity” of set up traditions of authority. Likewise, those exercising the authority are seen as legitimate, and therefore unquestioned. As a result both the institution of classic authority and the persons functioning under this kind of tradition happen to be respected without question, based upon the collective sociable perception that such systems are accurate as a result of their previous establishment.

Thus the administrative framework associated with this sort of domination can be particularistic and diffuse. Patriarchalism and feudalism are attributes of such a composition, not offering much space for arbitration to those becoming dominated.


Rational-legal power is based after the belief of “legality. ” Some rules are established for the exercise of such authority. These types of rules are respected due to their establishment under a legislation that is respectable. Those working out authority beneath these rules are then simply also perceived as having the directly to do so, as a result a right can be granted by the respected legislation.

Structures associated with this kind of specialist are more universal; thus room for negotiation is available, and the system is closer to a democratic system. Thus all those under this authority have the choice of negotiation. This is closer to the structures that are present in contemporary contemporary society. The work place has become more democratic.


Charismatic specialist depends entirely upon the individual exercising authority, rather than upon an established approach to rules or ideals. The perceived charisma of the person commands respect for any guidelines or order ordained. These kinds of charisma may well entail an exemplary character or excellent heroism.

The structures linked to this kind of specialist are the the majority of open-ended in terms of ruler-subordinate associations. Negotiations are based only upon the individual relationship among rulers and subordinates.

Throughout the above systems of power Weber thus shows how authority has evolved over time. Inside our world one of the most often-occurring structure of expert is the other two, exactly where subordinates will be granted the right to voice worries and increase issues devoid of fear of reprimand.

Marx facets his findings upon worth. Previously, worth has been mounted on labor, as labor

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